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Sheridan County Heritage Index


All of the people of Sheridan County were invited to submit stories and pictures for the Sheridan County Heritage Book (published in 1983). We appreciate and thank those who contributed material to make the book possible.

This book is not meant to be documented history but rather people's recollections and memories of events, people and life in Sheridan County. We hope the book will be useful to genealogists although it is not specifically planned for that purpose. With the large amount of material submitted it was necessary to edit some business, organizations, church, and school histories to allow for the main part of the book, family histories.

We appreciate the assistance of all those who have cooperated in this collective work. This volume represents the best efforts of many individuals. However, those involved cannot attest to the complete accuracy or be responsible for any errors in the book.

This index was generously contributed by Wilfred Bow and we thank him for his many hours of hard work.

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| N | O | P | Q R | S | T | U V | W | X Y Z | Title Page |


Yaeger William 697
Yager Inez Orlene (Haworth) 491
Yager John 815
Yager Judith Ann 491
Yager Linda 270
Yager Linda Kay 491
Yager Robert Arthur 491
Yale Jack 29
Yalowizer Elizabeth 167, 473
Yalowizer Helen 810
Yalowizer Henry 167
Yalowizer Mary 473
Yalowizer May 167
Yalowizer Paul 473
Yaneshek Ann (Visca) 909, 910
Yaneshek Mike 193
Yaneshek T. E. 908
Yaneshek Teddy 165
Yaneshek Theodore 583, 910
Yarger Myrtle 932
Yarko 99, 167
Yarrington J. T. 111
Yata Alan 900
Yata Diana Rae (Trott) 900
Yata James Alan 900
Yates 157
Yates Bruce 966
Yates Frederick L. 80
Yates Haydie 686
Yates Haydie L. 80
Yates Ray 966
Yates Sonia 966
Yates Sophia S. (Sarkowitz) 965, 966
Yates Steven 966
Yates Ted 609
Yates Thomas 966
Yatsko Arline 258
Yatsko Elizabeth L. 237
Yatsko Pete 258
Yatsko Viola 258
Yeager Jesse A. 123
Yeager William 643
Yeakey John T. 22
Yearns Anna 179
Yellowmule Lucy 107
Yentzer 155
Yentzer Dick 39, 40, 154, 360, 955, 966
Yentzer Ellen M. (VanBuren) 967, 968
Yentzer Jack 39, 40, 154, 360, 966, 968
Yentzer Jean 39, 83, 928, 967
Yentzer Jean (Dau) 359, 360, 966
Yentzer Marcy Jean 966, 967
Yentzer N. P. 955
Yentzer Nell 110, 966, 967, 968
Yentzer Norman 966
Yentzer Norman Porter 967
Yentzer Richard VanBuren 968
Yentzer Sandy 966
Yentzer Steven Henry 966
Yentzer Terry Richard 966, 967
Yetter Dale 120, 139, 186
Yetzer Tony 155, 188, 189
Yoder Franklin 539
Yonkee 199, 568
Yonkee A. G. 54
Yonkee A. T. 176, 199, 200
Yonkee Ada Lou 968
Yonkee Adolph 129
Yonkee Adolph G. 968
Yonkee Adolph T. 968
Yonkee Alma 968
Yonkee Alma (Grimes) 167, 176
Yonkee Catherine 968
Yonkee Charles 968
Yonkee Ernestine 426
Yonkee Fred 968
Yonkee Julia (Nolar) 968
Yonkee Julia 562, 968
Yonkee Kay 199
Yonkee Lyman 968
Yonkee Nancy 968
Yonkee Ruth (Brooks) 968
Yonkee Vera 968
York L. H. 362
York Louis 337
York Russell 203, 337, 689
Yorks Claire 697
Young Benjamin 93, 892
Young Chet Walker 968, 969
Young Elizabeth (Ringitich) 300
Young Fabienne 237
Young Florence A. 236
Young Florence (Arzy) 237
Young Gayle 237
Young Hazel (Van Tinkess) 275
Young Hazel B. 115
Young J. B. 160
Young Jim 83
Young John 969
Young John A. 237
Young John Elmore 968
Young John T. 300
Young Kenneth 237
Young Lucy (Reeder) 113, 968, 969
Young Margaret 138
Young Marie 127
Young Willis 919
Youngren Grace (Johnson) 542, 543
Youngren Iver 543
Younkins Bob 970
Younkins Mary (Zowada) 970
Youpee Williamette 109
Yule Ila 109
Yurosehk Mary 584, 585
Yuroshek Anna 584
Yuroshek Anna (Kohut) 584
Yuroshek Joseph 584
Yuroshek Mary 586
Yuroszek Anna (Soltis) 969, 970
Yuroszek John 970


Zahradnicek Antone 562
Zahradnicek Edward Antone 562, 563
Zahradnicek Gladys (Salveson) 563
Zahradnicek Gladys Vivian 562
Zahradnicek Louella 155
Zahradnicek Ruth 164
Zaichkinin Betty 640
Zapotchny Frank 474
Zapotchny Stanley Frank 969
Zaugg Ferne Elaine (Wood) 955
Zaugg Frederic 955
Zaugg Kay 955
Zaugg Rick 955
Zayas John 382
Zayas Rudolph 546, 547
Zeglin Dewain 132
Zeglin Shirley (Hall) 132
Zelney Anton 532
Ziegler Cindy 83
Ziegler Conrad 653
Ziegler Mary Dean (Marshall) 653
Ziehlsdorff Armin 31
Zieler Henry 443
Zierer Kenna Ruth (Haigler) 459
Zierer Krista 459
Zierer Thomas 459
Zigweid Ruth 731
Zimmer R. Percy 122
Zimmerman Alice 144
Zimmerman Charles 594
Zimmerman Dorothy (Hughes) 747
Zimmerman Hank 144
Zimmerman John 595
Zimmerman Monroe 745, 747
Zimmerman Patti (Brennan) 283, 284
Zimmerman Steve 594
Zingg 161, 644
Zingg Grace 155
Zingg Grace (Smith) 932
Zingg John 410
Zingg Loy 592
Zingg Robert 932
Zinsmaster Jack 573
Zinsmaster Violet (Hustwaite) 573
Zollikofer Catherine 901
Zowada 970
Zowada Anna 619
Zowada Anna (Soltis) 969, 970
Zowada Chris 670
Zowada Ed 161, 904
Zowada Edward 970
Zowada Emil 970
Zowada Joan 970
Zowada John 668
Zowada Joseph 398
Zowada Lori 670
Zowada Ludine 398, 970
Zowada Margaret 970
Zowada Marion (Smith) 970
Zowada Mary 670, 970
Zowada Mary V. 668
Zowada Mike 969, 970
Zowada Nadine (Case) 969
Zowada Robert 970
Zowada Rose 668
Zowada Stella 277, 969
Zowada Teresa 398, 590, 970
Zowada Theresa 970
Zowada Walter 969
Zuck 605
Zuck Erma (Fox) 970, 971
Zuck Frank 971
Zuck Louis J. 205
Zukowski Lisa (Kobielusz) 587
Zukowski Timothy 587
Zullig 945, 955
Zullig Abraham 971
Zullig Alan 455
Zullig Arch 273
Zullig Bernice (Dailey) 273
Zullig Conrad 971
Zullig Elizabeth (Scharen) 971
Zullig George Archie 971
Zullig Herb 172
Zullig Herbert 271, 712
Zullig Herbert C. 971, 972
Zullig Herbert E. 93
Zullig Isabel C. (Stahl) 972
Zullig John 971
Zullig Susie 971  

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