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Sheridan County Heritage Index


All of the people of Sheridan County were invited to submit stories and pictures for the Sheridan County Heritage Book (published in 1983). We appreciate and thank those who contributed material to make the book possible.

This book is not meant to be documented history but rather people's recollections and memories of events, people and life in Sheridan County. We hope the book will be useful to genealogists although it is not specifically planned for that purpose. With the large amount of material submitted it was necessary to edit some business, organizations, church, and school histories to allow for the main part of the book, family histories.

We appreciate the assistance of all those who have cooperated in this collective work. This volume represents the best efforts of many individuals. However, those involved cannot attest to the complete accuracy or be responsible for any errors in the book.

This index was generously contributed by Wilfred Bow and we thank him for his many hours of hard work.

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J | K | L | M |
| N | O | P | Q R | S | T | U V | W | X Y Z | Title Page |


Baas Ella 239, 240
Baas Evelyn 239
Baas Neal 239, 240
Babcock Delilah 93
Babion Donna (Felde) 402, 403
Babione 765
Babione Annie 792
Babione Beatrice Jean 242
Babione Betty (Duncan) 242
Babione Bill 148, 164, 515
Babione Cecil 515
Babione Cecil Roger 242
Babione Cholista (Merrill) 241, 242
Babione Clinton 765, 792, 815, 969
Babione Clinton Gilbert 241, 242, 243, 515
Babione Clinton LeRoy 242
Babione Cora May (McLane) 241, 641, 642
Babione Dan 240, 241
Babione Daniel Lawrence 241
Babione Daniel Stewart 242
Babione Danna Ruth (Felde) 242, 243
Babione Doris (Grantz) 242
Babione Edith (Fritze) 242
Babione Erma 815
Babione Erma Florence 241, 242, 791, 792
Babione Eva R. 765
Babione Gary Gene 242
Babione George 641
Babione George Samuel 241, 242
Babione Gladys 792
Babione Gladys June 241, 242, 814, 815
Babione Ivy 765
Babione Ivy Stella (Lauer) 241, 242, 243, 515
Babione Jane 240, 241
Babione Jennifer Ann 243
Babione Joyce 515
Babione Joyce Margaret 242
Babione Kenneth Bruce 242
Babione Mary Vivian 241, 242
Babione Percy F. 241, 242
Babione Richard 515
Babione Richard Henry 242
Babione Sara Annie 815
Babione Sarah Annie (Blane) 240, 241, 242, 641
Babione Stephanie Louise 243
Babione Virgil Mark 242
Babione Vivian 792, 815
Babione William 792
Babione William Donald 242, 243
Babione William H. 814, 815
Babione William Henry 240, 241, 242
Baccus 677
Bachlet Agnes 920
Backer Opal 484
Backer Shirley 484
Backman 161
Backus 205
Bacon John T. 75
Badget Charlotte Irene 244
Badget Donald 244
Badget Esther (Kreger) 245, 450, 589
Badget George B. 243, 244, 245
Badget Kenneth 244
Badget Lula Jane (Reed) 244
Badget Margaret 243, 244, 245
Badget Michael 244
Badget Mickey Dee 245
Badget Nadine (Hoiten) 245
Badget Orville Milton 244
Badget Ruth C. (Howarth) 243, 244, 511
Badget Sharon 244
Badget Tenna Irene (Gochnauer) 243, 244, 245
Badget Will Dean 245
Badget William 450, 589
Badget William H. 243, 244, 245
Badgett 155
Badgett Aaron Richard 246
Badgett Al 275
Badgett Alfred Eugene 245, 246
Badgett Angel Lynn 246
Badgett Anita 246
Badgett Art 192, 275
Badgett Arthur Tifton 245, 246
Badgett Barbara Jane 245, 246, 275
Badgett Barbara Jo (Neuschwander) 246 
Badgett Carolyn (Barker) 246, 247
Badgett Connie Jean 246
Badgett Deborah Kay 246
Badgett Edith Cora (Blaney) 245, 246, 275, 276
Badgett Fanny 245
Badgett Floyd 275
Badgett Floyd Brooks 245, 246
Badgett Floyd Richard 246
Badgett Gay 245
Badgett George 245
Badgett Gertrude 245
Badgett Heather Dawn 246
Badgett James Randall 246
Badgett Jessie 245
Badgett Judy (Olsen) 246
Badgett Kathy Lynn 246
Badgett Kevin Eugene 246
Badgett Lakey 245
Badgett Lizabeth Jo 246
Badgett Mark 275, 276
Badgett Mark Brook 245, 246 
Badgett Mark Dolan 245, 246, 247
Badgett Maurine 275
Badgett Maurine Peggy 245, 246, 247
Badgett Nancy Rochelle 246
Badgett Orville 245
Badgett Rose Marie (Vine) 246, 908
Badgett Ruth (Barnhart) 246
Badgett Ruth 246
Badgett Sheila Rae 245
Badgett Susie 245
Badgett Tami Cora 246
Badgett Thomas Richard 246
Badgett Todd Kennedy 246
Badgett Ula 245
Badgett Virgil 275
Badgett Virgil Edwin 245, 246
Badgett Virginia 275
Badgett Virginia Edith 245, 246
Badley 374
Badley Bruce 29
Bady Ralph 81
Baertsch William 143
Bagnell Janie (McClintock) 639
Baier Jean Marie 247
Bailey Bill 357
Bailey Burke 357
Bailey Charlene 570
Bailey Dorothy Virtina (Curtis) 158, 180, 357
Bailey George 86 
Bailey James 101 
Bailey Katherine 21, 130, 463, 464 
Bailey Ned 357
Bailey Sarah 643, 644, 645
Baird Mae 21, 130, 132
Baker 68, 153, 157, 177, 704
Baker Alice (Poulson) 247, 248
Baker Alice (Rowland) 783
Baker Andrea 248
Baker Annette 783
Baker Betty 248
Baker Carol 389
Baker Clara 248, 897
Baker Claude 248, 249
Baker Dema (Kilpatrick) 573
Baker Dollie 248, 249
Baker Dorothy 249
Baker Emily (Pilch) 248
Baker Emma Jean 247
Baker Ethel 20, 247, 484
Baker Ferne 344, 345, 405
Baker Fred 659
Baker George 144, 248, 783
Baker Gladys 110
Baker H. 18
Baker Helen 344, 405
Baker Henry 17, 190
, 209
Baker Hugh 247, 148, 404
Baker Isabelle 97
Baker John 247, 248, 249
Baker Julie 118, 248
Baker Lance 783
Baker Laura Ann 248
Baker Lena 247
Baker M. 768
Baker Mabel 158, 248, 249
Baker Margaret 248, 249
Baker Marilyn 119
Baker Martha Kathryn (Smith) 248, 249
Baker Mary 248
Baker Matt Tavegia 248
Baker Mildred (Fetter) 404
Baker Minnie 168
Baker Nan 389
Baker Norvel Hamilton 247, 248, 897
Baker Olive 344
Baker Olive Gina (Sethne) 405
Baker Orr 344, 405, 573
Baker Orvel Hamilton 640
Baker Pat (Tavegia) 248
Baker Ray 248
Baker Rita 521
Baker Ross 21
Baker Sam 248
Baker Thomas Edgar 248, 249
W. D. M. 97
Baker Wade 783
Baker Walter 161, 248
Baker Wayne 344, 405
Baker Woodrow 248, 249
Balcom Sheryl 665
Baldwin 153
Baldwin Luther 106
Baldwin Winifred 106
Bales 167, 198, 308, 817
Bales Annette 251, 252
Bales Bert Baker 249, 250, 251, 252, 253
Bales Brian 250
Bales Brian Keith 251
Bales Charles Colter 252
Bales Christl (Hildebrand) 250, 251
Bales Dianne (Bertram) 252
Bales Donna Lee 252
Bales Edith 253
Bales Edith Bell (McNutt) 249, 250
Bales Elizabeth 251
Bales Elizabeth Jane (Darby) 251, 252
Bales Erin Elise 252
Bales Erma Ruth 251
Bales Isabella 251, 252, 253
Bales Jenny 251
Bales Keith 250
Bales Loren 252, 253
Bales Lucille 254
Bales Margaret E. (Lloyd) 249, 250, 252
Bales Marianne (Thau) 251, 252
Bales Mary Elizabeth 249, 250
Bales Michael 250
Bales Michael Walter 251
Bales Myrtle Blanche (Steel) 253, 254
Bales Nelle 253, 254
Bales Pamela Ann 251, 252
Bales Redman Wilfley 252, 253, 254
Bales Robert Lee 252
Bales Rose Mary 251
Bales Ruth (Brown) 251, 252
Bales Shirley 252
Bales Shirley Elizabeth 251
Bales Virginia 251, 252
Bales Walter 120, 134, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253
Bales Walter B. 253
Ball 268, 567
Ball Annie (Baughman) 592
Ball Betty Jane (Frazee) 255
Ball Elmer 255
Ball Ethel 115
Ball Eva 254, 255, 521
Ball George 254, 255, 256, 521, 707, 708, 713, 748
Ball George Cravem 254, 255
Ball George Washington 592
Ball Helen 372
Ball Jack Douglas 255
Ball Joe 592
Ball Karen 255
Ball Lisle 707
Ball Lonnie 255
Ball Lora 254, 708
Ball Lucien 255
Ball Mary Elizabeth 592, 593
Ball Mary LaVanchie 711, 713
Ball Maxine (Cotton) 255
Ball Myrtle 154, 520, 521
Ball Myrtle (Irwin) 254
Ball Rose (Maxwell) 254, 255
Ball Scott 255
Ball Stella (Jones) 255, 256
Ball Vanchie 254, 255, 519, 520
Ballek Joe 122
Banas Mike 237
Bandy Dick 206
Bandy Lilly (Campbell) 305
Bandy Susan 475
Banks Lorna 632
Banus Andrew 597
Banus Andrew J. 597
Banus Delchia 597
Banus Jerry 597
Banus Mary 597
Barajas Sandra 273
Barbe Dorie 272
Barbe Kenneth 272
Barbe Nellie (Smith) 272
Barber Dave 775
Barber Everrett G. 101
Barber Marilyn Alison (Drake) 775
Barbero Carole 750
Barbero Charlie 750
Barbero David 751
Barbero Diana (Reeves) 750
Barbero Dori 751
Barbero John 750
Barbero Jona 751
Barbour Vera 493
Barbula 254, 365
Barbula Agatha (Kuzara) 257
Barbula Agnes (Booca) 378
Barbula Arline 194
Barbula Arline (Yatsko) 258
Barbula Bernice E. 257
Barbula Betty 903, 904
Barbula Bill 194, 903
Barbula Bonnie 194
Barbula Bonnie Marie 258, 259
Barbula Carla (George) 258
Barbula Charles 256, 257
Barbula Darleen (Schreibeis) 256, 257, 258, 803, 804
Barbula Donald 256
Barbula Edward 433
Barbula Edward J. 256, 257, 258
Barbula Frank 378
Barbula Gerald T. 257
Barbula Jacob 257
Barbula James 256, 257
Barbula John 433, 925
Barbula Juith Ann 258
Barbula Kathryn 259
Barbula Kathy 194
Barbula Larry 256
Barbula Lori (Bergslein) 259
Barbula Mary (Lannan) 256
Barbula Nancy 256
Barbula Nancy (Kehrwald) 256
Barbula Rose 194, 256
Barbula Rose J. (Kuzara) 257, 258, 600, 601, 903
Barbula Shirley 433
Barbula Theresa (Gazdik) 433
Barbula Thomas Wayne 258
Barbula William 256, 601
Barbula William F. 257, 258, 903
Barbula William G. 257
Barbula Willie 258
Bard 352, 697
Bard Alan 480
Bard Allen 260, 261, 499, 803
Bard Alyce (Burgon) 260
Bard Bernece 260
Bard C. W. 79
Bard Carol 260
Bard Charlene (Byron) 261
Bard Charlene (Edwards) 541
Bard Charles Albert 259, 260
Bard Charles Warren 259, 260
Bard Dawn 261
Bard Dick 30, 349, 350
Bard Don 260, 261
Bard Ella Belle (Merritt) 260
Bard Emily Minerva (Goodrich) 259, 260
Bard Florence Gertrude 259, 260
Bard Floyd 428
Bard Floyd Curtis 259, 260
Bard Frances (Stout) 261
Bard Francis 123
Bard Fred  798
Bard Fred C. 259, 260
Bard Gene 261
Bard Georgia (Herron) 260
Bard Helen (Anderson) 260
Bard Irene 259, 260
Bard Irv 261
Bard Mabel (Sumner) 259, 260
Bard Mary Ella 260
Bard Paddy 261
Bard Patty 118, 499
Bard Robin 261 
Bard Sandra (Lloyd) 261
Bard Shawn 261
Bard Tammy 118, 260
Bard Thad R. 259, 260
Bard Tom 260
Bard Warren 260
Bard Warren Richard 260
Bard Winnie (O’Neill) 269
Barello B 261
Barello Helen (Kuzara) 261, 600, 601
Barello James 261, 601
Barello Mary 261
Barello Mayme 261
Barello Rosa 261
Barello Shirley Mae 261
Barham 161, 170
Bark 155, 188
Barker 167
Barker Anna 261, 262, 263
Barker Ben 200
Barker Benjamin 264
Barker Benjamin F. 261, 262, 263
Barker Bill 262
Barker Carolyn 246, 247
Barker Charles 264
Barker Cheryl 264
Barker Dan 807
Barker Eda May 264
Barker Edwin 261, 262
Barker Elenor 247
Barker Elna 43
Barker Ernestine 200, 262, 430
Barker Ernestine M. 163
Barker Ernestine M. (Jaccar) 263
Barker Esther (Berry) 263
Barker Ethel 264, 479, 480
Barker Eugene Collin 263
Barker Evonne 264
Barker Fran 261, 262
Barker Gabe 263
Barker Gabriel 132
Barker Gabriel B. 263
Barker George 261, 262
Barker George C. 263
Barker Harry 264
Barker Helena 262
Barker John 247, 261, 262, 264
Barker Joseph E. 163
Barker Karen 263
Barker Katherine 264
Barker Leota 264
Barker Lorna 264
Barker Lota 130
Barker Mary 261,262
Barker Myrtle 261, 262
Barker Olive 264
Barker Patrick 807
Barker Pearl (Davis) 264
Barker Phil 270
Barker Philip R. 263
Barker Reuben 631
Barker Rita (Schreibeis) 806, 807
Barker Robert M. 263
Barker Russell Bessette 814
Barker Stella (Scrutchfield) 813, 814
Barker Ted 264
Barker Tom 264
Barker Troy 807
Barker William 264, 479
Barker William Jarrett 164
Barkey 155
Barkey Doris 154
Barkey Doris Fay 319
Barkey Elizabeth Church 319
Barkey Helena 283
Barkey Ida Rose (Mayer) 318
Barkey Jeanne 154
Barkey Jeanne Marie 318, 319
Barkey John Church 319
Barkey John U. 318, 319
Barkey Marjorie 154
Barkey Marjorie Lee 319
Barkey Patricia 154
Barkey Patricia Ann 319
Barkey Ralph Ralston 319
Barkey Reuben 498
Barkey Reuben R. 318, 319
Barkey Roberta 154
Barkey Roberta Ruth 319
Barkey Roy 511
Barkey Vivian 110
Barkey Vivian Marie (Church) 318, 319
Barkley Allen 23
Barlow Clara J. 794
Barnard Elsie 152
Barnes 170
Barnes Bessie (Embler) 264
Barnes Carl 264
Barnes Clarence 122
Barnes Daisy Doris 264
Barnes Edna 293, 294
Barnes Emma 264
Barnes Ernest John 264, 265
Barnes Ernest Perry 264
Barnes Franklin 264
Barnes Hall 264
Barnes Joseph 264
Barnes Perry 264
Barnes Perry Ernest 264
Barnes Timothy 44
Barnes Zetta Mae Parker 264, 265
Barnett Farris 500, 576
Barnett George 452
Barney Rick 120
Barnhart Ruth 246
Barrett 469
Barrett Carol 788
Barrett Eva (Michel) 589
Barrett Frank 559
Barrett George 589
Barrett Harold Vincent 788
Barrett Ida (Towns) 426
Barrett Josephine E. (Salveson) 788, 789
Barrett Molly 449, 588, 589, 590
Barrow Mary 265, 450
Barrow Odos 265, 450
Barrow Ola 265
Barrow Olive 265
Barrow Tom 450
Barrow William T. 265
Barrymore Ethel 430
Barrymore Lionel 79
Bartello John 235, 236
Bartels Joy 666, 667
Bartenhagen 170
Barth Fred 763
Barthlow Elizabeth 135
Bartlett Clinton 225
Barto Larry 681
Barto Verda (Nelson) 680, 681
Barton 155, 928
Barton Bertha 785
Barton Carl 390
Barton Charles W. 80
Barton Clara 785, 955
Barton Clara E. 495, 498
Barton Eva 233
Barton Lena 498, 785
Barton Mabel 498, 785
Barton Madge (Eikleberry) 390
Barton Nettie (Underwood) 328
Barton R. W. 185
Barton Robinson 209
Barton Robinson W. 185
Bartz Patricia Ann (Rhodes) 756
Bartz Timothy 756
Barylok Agnes 521
Bash Floyd A. 92
Bass Harold V. 140
Basset Oliver 138
Bassett 163, 168
Bassett Oliver 299
Bassett Vinnie 299
Bassett Vinnie (Beans) 266
Bates Bridger 894
Bates Carol Ann 894
Bates Chris David 894
Bates Cynthia Ann 894
Bates Donald 687
Bates Elizabeth 894
Bates Gertrude Irene (Torrens) 894
Bates Harold 86
Bates Janis Yvonne 894
Bates Jennifer Dawn 894
Bates John William 894
Bates Lyle 680
Bates Marilyn 119
Bates Nancy Lavonne 894
Bates Patricia 894
Bates Richard Allen 894
Bates Shane 894
Bates Sherri 894
Bates Susan Jeanette 894
Bates Trecia 119
Bates William Allen 894
Bates William Benjamin 894
Bathrick Al 573
Bathrick Margaret A. (McCoy) 573
Batty Jake 351
Batty James 539
Baughman Annie 592
Baumann Eidella 110
Bawden Bernice 472
Baxter Ann 226
Baxter Colin 226
Baxter Colleen 226
Baxter Dick 226
Baxter Karen 272
Baxter Lucy (John) 895
Baxter Mary Ann (Aksamit) 226
Baxter Sarah 894
Baxter Sarah Delilah 895, 896
Baxter William 895
Beach Adela 279
Beal Donald J. 92
Beal Laura (Kennedy) 411, 565
Beal Laura B. 157
Beal Laura Belle (Kennedy) 265, 266
Beal Morris 170, 265, 266, 411, 412, 565
Beall O. C. 31
Bean 188
Beans Augusta 266
Beans Eurie 155
Beans Eurie Ann 266, 267
Beans Harrison 266
Beans Levi 266, 267
Beans Louisa Jane 266
Beans Mary 266
Beans Vinnie 266
Bearchum Brenda 107
Beard Carol June 297, 298
Beard Clifford 297
Beard Darlene 297
Beard Donnie 297
Beard E. D. 101
Beard Iris 297
Beard Kenneth 297
Beard Larry Oath 297, 298
Beard Lois 297
Beard Mable 297
Beard Maxine 297, 298
Beard Oath 297
Beard Sandra Kay 507
Beard Shelley Jean 507
Beard Thelma 297
Bearrow Mark 955
Beaton Don 120
Beaumont 749
Beaver 155
Beaver Ernest 186, 187
Beavers C. W. 134
Beazley Ethel Jeanette 302, 304
Bebb Augustus T. 513
Bebb Ellen Victoria 513
Bebb Mary Blanch 513
Bechtold Alice (Cossitt) 346
Bechtold Alice Jean 346
Bechtold Elizabeth (Duckworth) 346
Bechtold Fred 346
Bechtold Nina Winifred 346
Beck 152, 267
Beck George 895
Beck George T. 46, 188, 189, 190, 209, 556
Beck Geraldine 164
Beck Harry 81
Beck Jerri (Rustad) 786
Beck Rueben 287
Beck Willard 136
Beck Willard R. 140
Beck William 405
Becker 238, 767
Becker Dorothy (Baker) 249
Becker Eric 299
Becker James M. 27
Becker John 13
Becker Mary E. 151
Beckwith Shorty 775
Bedell James K. 59
Bedford Roy 138
Bedord Leona Gale (Kegerreis) 563
Beehee Mary Ellen 718
Beeler Curtis 509
Beeler Daisy 509
Beeler Kate (Greathouse) 509
Beeler Katherine Paige 509, 510, 511
Beeler Newton 509
Beens Myrtle 179
Beeson J. K. 75, 143
Beetem Lillian 208
Beetem Marjorie 290
Beetem Ralph 290
Beetem Ralph E. 208
Beets Elisha 347
Beets Esther 347
Beets Harold 347
Beets Lawrence 347
Beets Mary (Woods) 347
Beezley Eva Pearl 797
Begay Nora 109
Beggs Jacqueline 810
Beggs Ruth 715
Begun Dana (Bovee) 669, 670
Begun David 669, 670
Behel Morris 265, 266
Belish Mary 970
Bell 690, 802
Bell A. W. 100
Bell Albert Olen 270
Bell Alice 621
Bell Anna (Sorenson) 168
Bell Anna Jane (Sorenson) 268, 269, 270
Bell Arthur 264
Bell Arthur G. 92
Bell Blanche Rose 268
Bell Bonnie Nadine (Biley) 666
Bell Charles T. 726
Bell Charley 269
Bell Edwin Lockett 267, 268
Bell Jack 184
Bell Joanne (Perkins) 726
Bell Joanne 725
Bell John 269
Bell John Edwin 268
Bell Karl 123
Bell Kathy 270
Bell Kevin 666
Bell Margie 964
Bell Marla 666
Bell Merry 270
Bell Nancy 180
Bell Olen Albert 268, 269, 270
Bell Oma 268
Bell Quentin (Gowey) 267, 268
Bell R. M. 142
Bell Russell 142, 694
Bell Sarah Virginia 416
Bell Sharon 270
Bell Susan (Seamster) 268, 269
Bell T. A. 268, 269
Bell Warren 270
Bellanti Joe 90
Belle A. 97
Belle Rebecca 97
Bellows Clarabelle (Hopkins) 138
Bellows K. C. 122, 123
Belt Joe 176 
Belus 99, 167
Belus Ben A. 586
Belus Charles 586
Belus David L. 586
Belus Florence V. 586
Belus Helen (Kobielusz 584, 585, 586
Belus James K. 586
Belus John 522
Belus Mark K. 586
Belus Robert A. 586
Belus Rosie (Kobielusz) 585
Belus Tammy L. 586
Benedict 469
Benedict Bill 153
Benedict Charley 764
Benedict Florence 153
Benedict Ica 411
Benefiel O. P. 21, 679
Benefield 155
Benefield Eddie 526
Benefield Filmore 526
Benefield Frank 526
Benefield Johnnie 526
Benefield Willie 526
Benham Alice 730
Benham G. H. 19
Benham Harry 907
Benham Herbert 151
Benjamin William 505
Benner 533
Bennet Harold 787
Bennett Daisy 283
Bennett Donna Illene 752
Bennett Elizabeth 277
Bennett Ivalee 133
Bennett Jean (Martini) 654
Bennett Mary 457
Bennett N. B. 54
Bennett Nancy 139
Bennett Oliver 231
Bennett Richard 137
Bennett William B. 654
Bennicks Maud 933
Bennitt Dorman T. 214
Bennitt Jane (Aber) 214
Benson 180, 205, 605, 779
Benson Emil 134, 343
Benson Lyle 392
Benson Nelle Alene 607
Benth Barrant Jacob 270
Benth Barry Hartford 270
Benth Candice Lynn 270
Benth Chelsy 270
Benth Emil Arthur 270
Benth Emil E. 270
Benth Helen 123
Benth Helen (Hartford) 270, 271
Benth Holly Renae 270
Benth Joel David 270
Benth Judy (Swanson) 270
Benth Linda (Yager) 270, 491
Benth Margaret 270
Benth Melissa Jo 270
Benth Misty Dawn 270
Benth Rachel 270
Benth Sandy (Metzger) 270
Benth Steven Charles 270
Benth Steven Ladd 270
Bentley 127, 314, 315, 340, 372, 470, 955
Bentley Antonia 39
Bentley Antonia (Dierfeld) 271
Bentley Barbara Louise 271
Bentley Bishop O. 39, 271
Bentley Charlie 659
Bentley Dorothy May 271
Bentley Elizabeth 271
Bentley J. D. 137
Bentley Jack 271
Bentley Jackson D. 39
Bentley Jackson Dierfeld 271
Bentley James 271, 408
Bentley James Stuby 271
Bentley John 122, 142 , 972
Bentley John Jackson 268, 271
Bentley Louise (Huelsman) 271
Bentley May (Stuby) 271
Bentley Patricia 415
Bentley Patricia Eleanor 271
Bentley Selina 513
Benton 155, 156
Benton Elder 188
Benton G. W. 89
Benton John 946
Benton Roy 469, 488, 946
Bentzen Emily (Smith) 649
Bentzen Jean 393
Bentzen Lori 649
Bentzen Lyle 142
Bentzen R. C. 111, 146, 147
Bentzen Raymond 264
Bentzen Ryan 649
Bentzen William 649
Berchit Jack 412
Bergen George 97, 199
Bergen William 199
Bergen Winifred (Stevenson) 143
Berger Elphraid Levina 782, 783
Berger Rose 285
Berggren Carl J. 102
Bergren Winifred 170
Bergslein Lori 259
Berry 153
Berry Bernice 272
Berry Betty (Johnson) 272
Berry Betty (Lucas) 273
Berry C. P. 272
Berry Charlie 272
Berry Courtney 273
Berry Daniel 273
Berry David 272
Berry Edna (Smith) 272
Berry Ernest E. 92
Berry Ernest Everett 272
Berry Esther 263
Berry Everett 55, 75, 179, 244, 272
Berry Fern 272
Berry Flora (Quinn) 272
Berry Flossie 272
Berry Frances (Wilson) 272
Berry Francis 144, 155
Berry Grant 272
Berry Greg 272
Berry Henrietta 179, 644
Berry James 273
Berry Janet (Lang) 273
Berry Jeanne Marie (Barkey) 318, 319
Berry Jim 210
Berry John 273
Berry Karen (Baxter) 272
Berry Kay (Kupper) 273
Berry Keith 272
Berry Lily 272
Berry Mark 272
Berry Michael 273
Berry Olive 273
Berry Patricia (Brayton) 273
Berry Richard 272
Berry Ryan 272
Berry Sandra (Barajas) 273
Berry Scott 273
Berry Thelma 273
Berry Todd 272
Berry Tom 273
Berry Winnie 272
Berta Charles 433
Berta Elizabeth (Gazdik) 433
Berta Frank 433
Berta James 433
Berta John 433
Berta Linda 433
Berta Mary Ellen 433
Berta Mary (Gazdik) 433
Berta Michaelene 433
Berta Syracuse 433
Berta Thomas Anna 433
Berta William 433
Berthal E. J. 96
Berti August 277
Berti Florence (Bocek) 277
Bertram Dianne 252
Besler Cindy 298
Best Connie 616
Best Connie Lorraine 667
Best James Dewey 667
Best Judith Jane 667
Best Vera (Gallreath) 667
Beswick Lucille (Ritchie) 763
Bethurem 179, 254, 306
Bethurem Billie 546
Bethurem Billie (Johnson) 292
Bethurem Colter 292
Bethurem Conrad 291
Bethurem Cruz 292
Bethurem Era 154, 157, 170
Bethurem Fay 291, 292
Bethurem Gary 291
Bethurem Geneva (Brundage) 291
Bethurem Harrison 291
Bethurem Kari 292
Bethurem Kip 292
Bethurem Koni 292
Bethurem Shirley (Pfau) 292
Bethurem Willie 157
Bethurem Williey 768
Bettis Ruth 356
Betts Cordilla 434, 435
Betz Alvin 412
Betz Alvin F. 566
Betz Mary 794, 904
Beuf Alessandro 430
Beuf Barbara 430
Beuf Beatrice 429, 430
Beuf Beatrice (Gallatin) 428, 429, 430
Beuf Carlo 428, 429, 430
Beuf Edith 430
Beuf Francesco Gallatin 430
Beuf Goelet 430
Beuf Helen 430
Beuf Mary Elizabeth (Reid) 430
Beuf Peter 430
Beuf Thomas Gallatin 429
Beyers Hugo 159
Bezold Fred E. 79
Bibb Delilah 494, 888
Bibbey Marianne (Holstedt) 509
Bibbey Tom 509
Biel Mary 777
Bielusz Anna 624, 625
Big Spit * 188
Biley Bonnie 760
Biley Bonnie Nadine 666
Biley Bud 666
Biley Carol 760
Biley Carol Ann 666
Biley Edith Margaret 666
Biley Jay 666
Biley Jay Leonard 666
Biley Joseph 166
Biley Leonard 760
Biley Marla 760
Biley Marla Jean 666
Biley Nadine (Richards) 666, 760
Biley Olive (Miller) 666
Biley Phyllis 166
Biley Phyllis Lucille 666
Biley Shirley 666
Bill Jack 251, 310
Billeter Paul R. 140
Billingsley Alma 273
Billingsley Anita 273, 956
Billingsley Deborah (Blair) 273
Billingsley H. C. 198
Billingsley Harold “Red” 273
Billingsley Jay 273
Billingsley Melissa Ann 273
Billingsley Ross 273
Billingsley Teresa Rae 273
Bilyeu Bernece (Bard) 260
Bilyeu Clinton 260
Bilyeu Donna 260
Bingham Don 406
Bingham Ellen (Forbes) 405, 406
Birchby 46, 161
Birchby Florence 106
Birchby James E. 21
Bird Virginia 639
Birdie 161
Birdie Lucille 124
Bisbee Amy 274
Bisbee Beth (Fair) 274
Bisbee Betty 274
Bisbee Bruce 140
Bisbee Bruce Allen 273, 274
Bisbee David Neil 273, 274
Bisbee Eunice Ann (Saffel) 273, 274
Bisbee Fay Ann 274
Bisbee Fay Carol (Fry) 274
Bisbee Frank E. 273
Bisbee Katherine C. (Kennedy) 273
Bisbee Myla 122
Bisbee Myrla Rae 274
Bisbee Nan 274
Bisbee R. S., Dr. 140
Bisbee Rodney 111, 139
Bisbee Rodney S. 273
Bisbee Roland 187
Bisbee Rollin N. 273, 274
Bisbee Tim 274
Bischoff Mack 88
Biser Charles 273
Biser Forrest 273
Biser James 273
Biser Mary 273
Biser Michael 273
Biser Ruth 273
Biser Samuel 273
Biser Thelma (Berry) 273
Bishop Alfred 465
Bishop Bernice (Bawden) 472
Bishop Helen Vesta 472
Bishop Lillie 760
Bishop Thad 816
Bishop William Samuel 472
Bix Henry 95
Bjerdahl Leota (Barker) 264
Black A. W. 355
Black Bert 347
Black E. H. 88
Black Evelyn 21, 130, 131, 469
Black Evelyn (Baas) 239
Black George 653
Black Hazel 124
Black Hazel R. 71
Black Jacob 256
Black Jane 921
Black Margaret Ellen 653
Black Nancy (Barbula) 256
Black Shelley 256
Black Wally 144
Blackbourn J. J. 22
Blackburn 484
Blackburn Buck 225, 314
Blackburn J. J. 153
Blackburn Jennie (Rudolph) 784
Blackburn Ruby 314
Blackledge J. L. 90
Blaid Deborah 273
Blake Bertha 26, 27
Blake George 205
Blake M. L. 22, 203
Blake M. O. 21
Blake Matt L. 21
Blake Priscilla 759, 760
Blake Rosetta 896
Blakely Gail (Durham) 586
Blakesley Gladys 277
Blakesley Julia Ann 465
Blancett Genevera 782
Blanchard F. A. 92
Blanchard F. E. 91
Blane Annie 274
Blane Cora 274
Blane Dorothy 275
Blane Esther 275
Blane Harriet 274, 275
Blane Harriet Matilda (Sams) 641, 642
Blane Hettie 274
Blane John 230, 241, 433, 469
Blane John Henry 274, 275, 641, 642
Blane Mable 275
Blane Nora 230, 433
Blane Nora (Hanes) 274, 275, 469, 641
Blane Patrick 274, 641
Blane Pearl 275, 432, 433
Blane Sarah Annie 240, 241, 242, 641
Blaney Barbara 276
Blaney Christian 276
Blaney Clora Belle 246, 275, 276
Blaney Coe 275
Blaney Corey 276
Blaney Crystol (Brummet) 275, 276
Blaney Dan 246
Blaney Daniel 276
Blaney Daniel McClaren 275, 276
Blaney Edith Cora 245, 246, 275, 276
Blaney Elizabeth Teresa (Regan) 276
Blaney Frank 246
Blaney Frank James 275, 276
Blaney Gordon 246
Blaney Gordon Albert 275, 276
Blaney Ion 276
Blaney Irv 118
Blaney Irving 276
Blaney Isabelle (Ibby) 275, 276
Blaney Isabelle (Kusel) 275, 276
Blaney Lovelace 275
Blaney Mattie Ellen 246
Blaney Mattie Ellen (Dickey) 275, 276
Blaney Maude 275
Blaney Melissa 276
Blaney Oliver 246
Blaney Oliver Daniel 275
Blaney Ralph 246
Blaney Ralph Peabody 275
Blaney Ruth (Schreibeis) 276
Blaney Sam 246
Blaney Samuel Dickey 275
Blaney Sharon Dee 275
Blaney Smokey 275
Blaney Zane Gordon 275
Blansett Linda Kay 277
Blansky Anna Bertha Clara 561
Blansky August 561
Blansky Bertha 561
Blansky Bill 561
Blansky Mary (Denkert) 561
Blansky Minnie 561
Blayney Frances Lindsey 357
Bledsoe Myrtle (Carroll) 308
Blevins Barbara (Shipley) 461
Blevins Clara (Hill) 806
Blevins Clara (Patton) 440
Blevins Clara Eleanor (Patton) 460
Blevins Clifton 440, 460, 860
Blevins Jim 460
Blevins Josephine 440, 460, 461, 806, 807
Blevins June 415, 416, 440, 460, 461
Blevins Lucile 440, 460, 461
Blevins Robert 440, 460
Bliss 338
Bliss Alfred Robert 276, 277
Bliss Blanch 818
Bliss Blanche (Neimeyer) 276, 277
Bliss Juanita 276
Bliss LeRoy 818
Bliss Leroy James 276, 277
Bliss Thelma 818
Bliss Thelma Ardath 276, 277
Blockinger Agnes 799
Blood Etta 316
Blood Truman 316
Bloom 81, 304
Bloom Wes 190
Bloomberg R. L. 948
Bloomberg Rueben Lawrence 77
Bloxom Don 548
Bloxom Thelma 550
Bloxom Wayne 550
Blucher Christena (Peterson) 457
Blucher Mary Pauline 457
Blucher Paul 457
Blum Bethel 110
Blum Rudolph 78
Blume Fred H. 81, 145
Blume Gladys 135
Blunt 534
Boal Arta (Cody) 233, 324
Boal Horton 324
Boals 199
Bobbit Bill 778
Bobbit Grace 778
Bobbit Melvine 778, 779
Bocek 658
Bocek 277
Bocek Anna (Bury) 277, 278
Bocek Annie 278, 279
Bocek Anton 277, 278, 925
Bocek Barbara (Caple) 277
Bocek Carol Rae 277
Bocek Carrie (Hauf) 277
Bocek David 277
Bocek Donna 277
Bocek Elizabeth (Bennett) 277
Bocek Florence 277
Bocek Frank 278, 279
Bocek Gary 277
Bocek Gladys (Blakesley) 277
Bocek Helen 279
Bocek Joan 925
Bocek Joan (Nania) 277
Bocek Joe 277
Bocek John 277, 279, 604
Bocek Joseph K. 279
Bocek Judy (Garner) 277
Bocek Kathleen 277
Bocek Lee 277
Bocek Lester 277
Bocek Mary 447
Bocek Mary J. (Michalek) 278, 279
Bocek Mary Lee 277
Bocek Maxine (Weber) 277
Bocek Mike 277, 278
Bocek Nellie 921
Bocek Patricia 277
Bocek Paul 165, 193, 277, 278, 279, 447, 650
Bocek Paul T. 279
Bocek Rosalie (Volk) 277
Bocek Rose 604
Bocek Rose (Kawulok) 277
Bocek Rose Mary 277
Bocek Stella 279, 445, 447
Bocek Stella (Zowada) 277, 969
Bocek Tony 277, 969
Bode Mary 343
Bodine Debra (Stevens) 920
Bodine Dorothy (Parker) 712, 920
Bodine Dorothy M. 107
Bodine Harry 140, 712, 920
Bodine Pamela Sue 920
Bodine Ronald L. 920
Bodine Wanda Lou (Warnke) 919, 920
Bodine William Brent 920
Boe Esther 652
Boehm Bill 390
Boehm Virginia (Eckroth) 390
Boehme Ernest 81
Boggess Dorothy (Blane) 275
Boggess Sylvester 275
Boggs Claudia 125
Boghmont Tom 809
Bogner Agnes 631
Bogue Harold J. 426
Bogue Marilyn 426
Bohleen Andrew 946
Bohleen Doris Ann (Williams) 946
Bohn Gary Ellen 137
Bohnsack Barbara C. 934
Bohnsack Barbara Clara 280
Bohnsack Bernett 820
Bohnsack Catherine 820
Bohnsack Fred 123, 820
Bohnsack George 279, 280
Bohnsack Kristi Jo 752
Bohnsack Margaret 20
Bohnsack Maxine 123
Bohnsack Merle Leroy 280
Bohnsack Ona Bernette 280
Bohnsack Stanford Lemar 280
Bohren Charlotte Irene (Badget) 244
Bohren D. A. 244
Bohsnack Chancey Norman 280
Boles 968
Bolin Al 390
Bolin Clarinda 329
Bolin Mae (Eikleberry) 390
Bolin Susan Clarinda (Collins) 718
Bolinger Bonnie Louise (Schuman) 808
Bolinger Jeff 808
Bommer Tom 209
Bondi 392
Bondi Al 612
Bondi Albert 78
Bondi Gene 140
Bondi Ida 167
Bondi John 78, 612
Bondis 337
Bones 918, 955
Bonhan Ethel 174
Boniface M., Sister 162
Bonnell Adeline 93
Bonnell David 93
Booca Agnes (Rauzi) 378
Booca Dominic 378
Booca Fury 378
Booca Mary 378, 379
Boode Clara 168
Booher V. L. 101
Boone Daniel 723, 789
Boone Martha Ann 723
Boone Rebecca (Bryan) 789
Boone Sarah 789
Boone Squire 789
Booras Gus 434
Booth 161, 304
Booth Beth Arlen (Freese) 280
Booth Bill 396
Booth David Scott 280
Booth Frederick Mark 494
Booth Frederick P. 494
Booth Jack 142
Booth Jack Oden 280, 281
Booth Jill Michelle 280, 281
Booth Kate (O’Neil) 896
Booth L. G. 137
Booth Louis C. 203
Booth Louis G. 494
Booth Mark Douglas 280
Booth Mildred (Burrows) 281
Booth Nancy Elaine (Hubbard) 494
Booth Norvill 281
Booth Randall 494
Booth Rita (Humphrey) 280, 281
Booth Sandra Lynn 494
Booz John 199
Booze Johnny 282
Bordeaux Alex 261
Bordeaux Gary 272
Bordeaux Lynn 272
Bordeaux Mary (Barello) 261
Bordeaux Natalie (Paris) 272
Bordeaux Roy 272
Bordeaux Walter 272
Boreaux Irma Lee (Fowler) 417
Boreaux Jack 417
Boreaux James Lawrence 417
Boreaux Janine Louise 417
Boreaux Jean Lucile 417
Boreaux Joan Louis 417
Borner Maude 167
Borwn Shirley Marie 799
Bosler Annie 272
Bosler Frank 272
Bosler Helen 272
Bosler Jim 272
Bosler Shirley (Berry) 272
Bostic Charlotte 501
Bostock Annie 615
Bostwick 182
Bostwick E. D. 93, 690
Bostwick Elmer 93
Botner Colleen 810
Bottomly Dorothy 161
Boulaare Ernest 125
Boulware C. E. 18
Bourgault Luc 717
Bourgault Rachel (Johnson) 717
Bourquin Angela (	 649
Bourquin Forrest 649
Bovee Barbara (Miller) 669
Bovee Dana 669, 670
Bovee Lynne 669, 670
Bowden 153
Bowen Albert 281, 282
Bowen Arthur 282
Bowen Bill 281, 282
Bowen Genevieve (Hassey) 281 , 282
Bowen John 281
Bowen Thomas 282
Bower Gordon 26, 27, 31
Bower Mary 706
Bowers Elizabeth Jane (Williams) 457
Bowers George 193, 457
Bowers Maria Helen 457
Bowker 210
Bowker Ira 210
Bowles John 916
Bowline Ella 675
Bowline Harem 675
Bowline May 675
Bowline Sarah 675
Bowline Stella 674, 675, 676
Bowman 265
Bowman E. C. 264, 488, 557, 712, 714
Bowman Ernest C. 209
Bowman Glen 265
Bowman Jim 890
Bowman Mayo 180
Bowman Ruby 180
Boyce Ann 934
Boyce Bill 934
Boyce Bob 934
Boyce Clare Dee 934
Boyce Sharrell Lena (Willey) 934
Boyd 57, 74, 225, 573, 619, 654, 752
Boyd Bill 450
Boyd Essie 573
Boyd Francis 450
Boyd Meda (Graves) 450
Boyd Walita 760
Boyer Christena 895
Boyer Eric 482
Boyer Eric Randall 606
Boyer Florence 732 
Boyer Florence E. (Welch) 924, 925
Boyer Marvin 86
Boyer Virginia Grace (Larsen) 482, 606, 650
Boyer W. Randall 482, 606
Boyko 161
Boyko Anne 152
Boyko Esther (Ventling) 906
Boyko Mary 766
Boyle 161
Boyle Bert 912
Boyle Frances 154
Boyle Francis 912
Boyle James 126
Boyle John 912
Boynton 168
Bozeman John 2, 7
Bracken Edna Louise 895
Bradfield J. H. 21
Bradford Lena 171, 416
Bradley 15pages\153.jpg3
Bradley A. Wilson 397
Bradley Dorothy 397
Bradley Eva C. 808
Bradley Lil 526
Bradley Mare 397
Bradley Minnie 154
Bradshaw Bascum 663
Bradshaw D’Lynn 663
Bradshaw Delbert 663
Bradshaw Juaquin 663
Bradshaw Mary Louise (Michelena) 663
Brammer Archie 282, 283
Brammer Charles 282, 283
Brammer Christina (Thacker) 283
Brammer Etta (Croghan) 282, 283
Brammer Helena (Barkey) 283
Brammer Keith 283
Brammer Lora 282, 283
Brammer Loretta 283
Brammer Tempe 283
Brand Max 332
Brandis E. Linwood 93
Brandjord Mary Beth 155
Brandon C. Watts 80, 142
Brandt Dannialle Marie 229
Brandt John 126
Brandt Katherine Mary (Allred) 229
Brandt Keith 229
Brandt Timothy 229
Brantz Harold 277
Brantz Patricia (Bocek) 277
Brauche W. L. 132
Braumbaugh Ed 462
Braumbaugh Ethel A. (Hallworth) 462
Braumbaugh Jan 462
Braumbaugh Linda 462
Braumbaugh Pam 462
Braumbaugh Rita 462
Bray 708, 712
Bray Wayne 673
Brayton John A. 54
Brayton Margaret (Hassey) 282
Brayton Patricia 273
Breckebrede Alfred 206
Bremer 178, 420
Bremer Alice I. 938, 939, 940
Bremer Clara 939
Bremer Emma Jane (Mason) 939
Bremer Henry William 939
Bremer Lucy 939
Brennan Alma (Day) 283
Brennan Bonnie (Eccli) 284
Brennan Caroline (Stockhouse) 284
Brennan Daisy (Bennett) 283
Brennan Daniel 283
Brennan Darleen 284
Brennan Dennis 283
Brennan Dorothy (Heegen) 284
Brennan Eileen 283
Brennan Fred 284
Brennan J. P. 443
Brennan James 283
Brennan Jerry 283
Brennan John E. 283
Brennan Larry 283
Brennan Margaret 283
Brennan Mary Lou 283
Brennan Patti 283
Brennan Richard 283
Brennan Robert 283
Brennan Shirley 284
Brenner Jacob 115
Brenton Elizabeth 167
Brewer Gene 226
Brewer Timothy 226
Brewer Tina 226
Brewer Walter 256
Brewster 222
Brewster Eula 956
Brewster Warren 408, 956
Brey Ina 766
Brickley Agnes Mary, Sister 162
Bridgewood Avaline 729
Bridgford 757
Bridgford Bruce W. 43, 44
Bridwell Norman 135, 136
Briggs Almira Louise (Roebling) 417
Briggs Elizabeth Ellen 417
Briggs Robert Stuart 417
Briggs William Walter 417
Bright Otto 89
Briles Ben R. 284
Briles Leola (Dalso) 284
Briles Monna E. (Fitch) 284
Briles W. M. 186
Briles William M. 284
Brim 161
Brim Mary 790
Brinda Nancy 650
Brindkley David 389
Brinker Maud 176
Brinkerhoff Lucy 178
Brinkley David 609
Brinton 511
Brinton Bradford 8, 54, 238, 427, 767
Brinton Helen 8
Bristow Mary Rebecca 679
Briton 563
Brittain Armond Jean 284, 285, 286
Brittain Blaine Brian 286
Brittain Blanche (Walmer) 284
Brittain Frank 182, 346, 437
Brittain John Philip Neal 285, 286
Brittain Julie Ann (Roush) 286
Brittain Minnie 437
Brittain Nancy Jean 285
Brittain Rollie F. 284
Brittain Sarah Catherine 346
Brittain Shawn Philip 286
Brittain Shiloh 286
Brittain Viola (Lewis) 284, 285, 286
Brittain W. F. 160
Brittain Wesley 19, 566, 567
Britton Bob 126
Brock B. C. 97
Brock Berva 781
Brock Esther V. (Newcomer) 690, 691
Brock George 690
Brock Will 153
Brocke T. 89
Brockman 480
Brockman Ethel 21
Brockway 170
Brocus 75
Broderick Tom 81
Brokaw 170
Brokaw Clarence 494
Brokaw Connie 591
Brokaw Wanda (Helsberg) 494
Brokow Connie 292
Bronson Nevets 513
Bronson Robyn M. (Huff) 513
Bronson Steve 513
Brooder Barbara Ruth 286
Brooder Charlotte 27
Brooder Charlotte (Vigness) 286
Brooder Frank Michael 286
Brooder John F. 39, 286
Brooder Jon Vigness 286
Brooder Katherine (Glaxner) 286
Brooder Patricia Ann 286
Brookins Lorena 154
Brooks 697
Brooks Bert 7, 98, 255, 257, 287, 288, 484, 485, 594, 595, 932
Brooks Bert August 287
Brooks Bert Randall 288
Brooks Buddy 484
Brooks Cecilia (Kinsley) 136
Brooks Debra (Kelsey) 288
Brooks Fannie 136, 170, 187
Brooks Fannie (Cox) 287
Brooks Florence V. (Mumma) 287
Brooks H. Lyman 136
Brooks Jack 125
Brooks Jeffrey Garrett 288
Brooks Jessie 484
Brooks Jessie Dale 287
Brooks Judy Lea 288
Brooks Kate (Ivey) 239
Brooks Kitty 287, 288
Brooks Kyle Douglas 288
Brooks L. H. 27, 47, 143
Brooks Laurie Allison 288
Brooks Lyman 239, 408
Brooks Lyman H. 726
Brooks Martha 484
Brooks Martha Jean 287
Brooks Mary Catherine (Puett) 288
Brooks Ruth 968
Brooks Trudy Jean 288
Brosius Jim 461
Brosius Virginia (Hall) 461
Brotherton Mabel (Coulthard) 306
Brotherton Thomas Westley 306
Brouwer Jacob 97, 122, 288
Brouwer Jacqueline 288
Brouwer Jake 122
Brouwer Kathryn 288
Brouwer Rachel 288
Brouwer Rolf 288
Brouwer Rosemary 123, 288
Brow Joe 615
Brown 43, 59, 134, 137, 152, 222, 269, 636, 767, 943
Brown A. D. 160
Brown A. H. 92
Brown Albert 269
Brown AlexCine 172
Brown Allie 623
Brown Almon DeWard 288, 289, 290
Brown Arapahoe 535, 924
Brown Arthur 290
Brown Bernice (Shaw) 290
Brown Bill 153
Brown Bob 528
Brown Carla (Hayes) 291
Brown Chris 295
Brown Clara 290
Brown Clementine (Almeda) 290
Brown Colvin Burrington 289
Brown David H. 93, 127
Brown Dorothie Ethel 288, 289
Brown Dorothie (Wallace) 167
Brown Ed 127
Brown Edna 290, 767
Brown Edna E. 690
Brown Edna Earl 959, 960
Brown Essie 289
Brown Esther Mable 704
Brown Esther O. (Overton) 704
Brown Frances 207
Brown Gail 290
Brown Gail Ann (Eiselle) 391, 392
Brown Gary 290, 392
Brown George 81, 755
Brown George H. 45
Brown George W. 44
Brown Gertrude Elaine 289
Brown Guy 143, 748, 797
Brown Herbert 704
Brown J. F. 959
Brown James R. 44, 45
Brown Jan 290
Brown Jerome F. 22
Brown Jerome Francis 290
Brown Jerry 295
Brown Joe 269
Brown Julie (DeJarnett) 365
Brown Karen 116, 290
Brown Larry 83
Brown Leroy 290
Brown Lucy 130
Brown Mable 88
Brown Margaret (Eggen) 290
Brown Marian (Small) 172
Brown Marilyn Elaine (Miller) 717
Brown Mary (Murphy) 290
Brown Mary 389, 587
Brown Mary Helen 754
Brown May 290
Brown May Elaine (Rich) 289, 290
Brown Mayola Esther (Kimmel) 575
Brown Meredith 329
Brown Meredith D. 19
Brown Meredith DeWard 289
Brown Miriam Adele 704
Brown Naomi 207
Brown Nelda May 289, 290
Brown Nora 168, 290
Brown Phoebe (Page) 288, 289
Brown Ruth 252
Brown Stanley 704
Brown Thomas Colvin 288, 289
Brown Tory 290, 717
Brown Virginia 27
Brown W. R. 743
Brown Will 389
Brown William 41
Browne Angela Kae 291
Browne Bruce Edward 290, 291
Browne Bruce William 290, 291
Browne Carla 110
Browne Dudley 628
Browne Edward 628
Browne Edward Winslow 628
Browne Esther (Parker) 628
Browne Hazel (Lynch) 628
Browne Irene (Dunlap) 290, 291
Browne Jack 290, 628
Browne James William 290, 291
Browne James Forbes 291
Browne Jay Alan 291
Browne Jerry Lee 290, 291
Browne Loraine 628
Browne Michael Wayne 291
Browne Nelda 164
Browne Olga (Schwarzenbach) 628
Browne Phyllis (Thomas) 628
Browne Richard Eugene 290, 291
Browne Rill 628
Browne Sandra (Clements) 291
Browne Sharon 110
Browne Sharon (Goetz) 291
Browne Todd David 291
Browne Travis C. 290
Browne Wilma (Schmitt) 290, 291
Browne Wilma 109, 110
Brownell Bob 352
Brownell James R. 426
Brownell Lenard 111, 273, 274
Brownell Leonard 13, 68, 225
Brownell Norma Cook 426
Brubaker 427
Brubaker John 86
Bruce Blanche 154, 175
Bruce Carrie 20
Bruce George H. 263
Bruce Nina J. (Johnston) 35
Bruere Alice 154
Bruere Carl 134
Brug Bette 27
Brug Lillian 706
Brug Robert 116
Brummett 255
Brummett Agnes (Kelley) 780, 781
Brummett Crystol 254, 275, 276
Brummett Darrell 254
Brummett Kenneth 254Brummett Tom 254, 780, 781
Brundage 226
Brundage Aileen (Walker) 292
Brundage Amelia (Culbertson) 291
Brundage Betty 292
Brundage Caleb 291
Brundage Catherine 291, 292
Brundage Edith (Hosburg) 292
Brundage Ellen 291
Brundage Enid 291, 292, 591
Brundage Frank 292, 655, 723
Brundage Geneva 291
Brundage George 8, 19, 291, 292, 888
Brundage George Frank 291
Brundage Howard 291
Brundage Jon 292
Brundage Kenneth 291
Brundage Laura 291
Brundage Leland 291, 292
Brundage Leonard 291
Brundage Margaret 291
Brundage Mary E. (Hall) 291
Brundage Mary Kate 291
Brundage Michael 292
Brundage Muriel 291
Brundage Nellie 291
Brundage Osee (Depew) 291
Brundage Ralph 291, 292
Brundage Sam 291
Brundage Sue (Cresap) 291
Brundage T. J. 8
Brundage Thomas 291
Brundage Thomas B. 19
Brundage Tom 767
Brundage Virgil 291
Brundage Winifred (Wright) 291
Bryan Dodd 292, 293
Bryan Dorothy (Longcope) 292, 293
Bryan Rebecca 789
Bryan Russell 139
Bryant Anne 666
Bryant Brett 666
Bryant Chuck 666
Bryant Cole 666
Bryant James Perry 395
Bryant Morgan 666
Bryant Shirley (Biley) 666
Bryant Tracy 666
Bryce Harold 603
Brynell Larry 103
Buchanan Earl 293, 294
Buchanan Edna (Barnes) 293, 294
Buchanan J. W. 209
Buchanan Roger 87
Buchanan Thomas Shedrick 293, 294
Buchanan William H. 294
Buck Charles 145
Buck Chris 30, 31, 145
Buck Julia 646, 647
Buck Lillian 646
Buck Sara 145
Buckingham 513, 748
Buckingham Ada 793, 794
Buckingham Alonso 134
Buckingham E. A. 134
Buckingham Ernest 889
Buckingham Frances (Timm) 889
Buckingham Frank 211
Buckingham Joshua 794
Buckingham Margaret (Diener) 371
Buckingham Milo 794
Buckingham Nancy 211
Buckle Perry 488
Buckley Annette (Connolly) 504
Buckley Bertha (Kolris) 296
Buckley Charles Phillip 295
Buckley Cindy (Loring) 296
Buckley Dale Arnold 296
Buckley Diana Marie 296
Buckley Dixie Kay 296
Buckley Duane Robert 296
Buckley Elizabeth Ann 294, 295
Buckley Evelyn (Conor) 296
Buckley Helen B. (Hobbs) 157, 504
Buckley Henry James 294, 295
Buckley James Henry 294, 295
Buckley James Wesley 296, 920
Buckley Jerry 14, 295, 296, 920
Buckley Jerry Lee 296, 920
Buckley Jimmy 296
Buckley Jimmy James 920
Buckley John 52, 77, 295
Buckley John Harold 295
Buckley Lillie 170
Buckley Louisa Jane 294, 295, 396, 397
Buckley Margaret (Hayls) 296
Buckley Marie 295
Buckley Michael Enzi 296
Buckley Mona (Evans) 920
Buckley Mona Mary 296
Buckley Norma 504
Buckley Norma Louise (Pence) 725
Buckley Phil 504
Buckley Rebecca (Horsley) 295
Buckley Robert 296
Buckley Robert Arnold 296
Buckley Rose Marie (Warnke) 296, 919, 920
Buckley Rose Marie 893
Buckley Sam 504
Buckley Sue 504
Buckley Tammy Jean 296, 920
Buckley Tom 377, 504
Buckskin Joe * 111
Buell Mary 110
Buell Mary K. 117
Buell Miles 272
Buell Peggy (Nejedley) 272
Buell Walter 148
Buesgens Harold 946
Buesgens Lois Marie (Williams) 946
Buffalo Bill * 9, 13, 199, 202, 233
Buffalo Bill * 260, 323, 324, 440, 651
Buffham John T. 566
Buffington Florence 576
Bull Albert 171
Bull Florence (Estes) 38
Bull William C. 208
Bullington 119, 179
Bullington Florence 488
Bullington Lee 256, 488, 780, 800
Bumbaca David 604
Bumbaca David Arthur 751
Bumbaca Paula (Meredith) 604, 751
Bumbaca Tina (Weibert) 301
Bumbaca Wayne 604
Bumbaca Wayne David 751
Bumgarner Cora (Hardin) 538
Bundy 156, 210
Bundy Hazel 188
Burbank Barbara 490
Burbridge Alice (Lauer) 615
Burbridge Bob 615
Buress 778
Burfisher Barbara 136
Burger Grove 533
Burger Joseph 923
Burgess 154, 338, 697, 888, 946
Burgess Amos 499
Burgess C. Harry 495
Burgess Harry 239, 494, 498, 526
Burgess Helen 498
Burgess Helen (Helvey) 494, 496, 499
Burgess Henry 21, 54, 111, 145, 306
Burgess Jack 23
Burgess James 21, 408, 461, 462
Burgess James H. 182, 495, 496, 498
Burgess John 65, 66
Burgess Lue 526
Burgess Mary 35
Burgess Mary Helen 495
Burgess Patricia R. (Lacek) 586
Burgess Sam 526
Burgess Tyler 313
Burgess Wilmer 499
Burgman Betty Ann 771
Burgon Alyce 260
Burgon Ernest 260
Burgon Helen 260
Burk 199
Burke Gertrude 902
Burke Jim 540
Burke Johanna 924
Burkhard Nancy Lou (Helvey) 495
Burkhardt Barbara (Johnson) 547
Burkhart B. E. 134
Burkhart Bernard 145
Burkhart Lois 177
Burkhart Mary R. 922
Burkhart Pearl 161, 811
Burkhart Wilma 177
Burkitt Ken 888
Burks Helen 200
Burks Jack 200
Burks Joe 200
Burks Rebecca 209
Burks William 200
Burleson Alta 408
Burleson Grey 408
Burleson Olive (Switzer) 408
Burleson Wylie 408
Burnell Earl 187
Burnett 45
Burnett Helen C. 115
Burnett Karen Gaye 529
Burney Charlotte 543
Burnnett Jeanne 934
Burns 180, 608, 810
Burns Alice 346
Burns Bartha 166
Burns Bob 529
Burns Burton C. 566
Burns Clara (Cubbison) 516
Burns Clarence Eugene 346, 347
Burns Cora 166
Burns Dan 331
Burns David Bruce 297
Burns Dora 166
Burns Dora Dean 346
Burns Dorothy (Abell) 297
Burns Elleen 346
Burns Eugene 346
Burns Eyvonne Dee 346, 347
Burns Fitch 549
Burns Frances 549
Burns Galen 166
Burns Helen 165, 167, 171, 346
Burns Horatio 92, 516
Burns James 81
Burns Jannine 419
Burns Lulu Delthana (Griffith) 346, 347
Burns Marjorie 419
Burns Myrtle 166
Burns Olive 166
Burns Patricia 419
Burns Pearl 175
Burns Raymond J. 297
Burns Rush 240
Burns Ruth (Fowler) 419
Burns Ruth Clare 516
Burns Sherman 298, 308
Burns Theodore 419
Burns Ward Selby 346, 347
Burns William J. 297
Burns William Sherman 297
Burns Wilma 346
Burnside 761
Burr Diane Lee (Plott) 401
Burr Eileen 133
Burr James 401
Burr Ryan 401
Burris 176
Burris Gereldine 158
Burris Helen 123
Burris Julia (Yonkee) 562
Burris Lydia Ann 574
Burris Ralph 562
Burris Z. 419
Burritt Charles H. 79
Burroughs W. A. 88
Burrows 92, 931
Burrows A. S. 54
Burrows Charles 281
Burrows Mildred 281
Burrus Eugene 110
Burry Elmer 101
Burt Agnes (Jenkins) 728
Burtis Arlis Jean 297, 298
Burtis Beverly Diane 297, 298, 447
Burtis Cindy (Besler) 298
Burtis Darci Rene 276, 298
Burtis Donald Eugene 297, 298
Burtis Donald Wayne 297, 298
Burtis Lynda (Anderson) 298
Burtis Mark Eugene 298
Burtis Maxine (Beard) 297, 298
Burtis Nancy Darlene 298
Burtis Randy Paul 298
Burtis Roberta E. (Hart) 276, 298
Burtis Wayne 276
Burton 163
Bury Anna 277, 278
Bury Lois (Kerns) 569
Bush Etta Mae 167
Bush Floyd J. 905
Bushmaker Bonnie C. 298
Bushmaker Buelah 24
Bushmaker Buelah (Seavy) 298, 299
Bushmaker Carroll (Cokenor) 298
Bushmaker Colleen (Legerski) 298
Bushmaker Connie M. 298
Bushmaker Corey 298
Bushmaker Darlene 24, 910
Bushmaker Darlene C. 298
Bushmaker J. J. 24
Bushmaker Jack 24
Bushmaker John A. 298
Bushmaker Lavonne P. 298
Bushmaker M. J. 298, 299
Bushmaker Mary (Cremers) 298
Bushmaker Peter 298
Bushmaker Rhonda (Adams) 298
Bushmaker Ronda K. 298
Bushmaker Scott M. 298
Bushmaker Tamara M. 298
Bushmaker Thomas E. 298
Bushmaker William 298
Bushnell Eliza C. 695
Businga 928
Businga Christian S. 299
Businga Claude 299, 300
Businga Elizabeth Ann 299
Businga Katharine (Lahman) 299, 300
Busringa Claude A. 308
Busringa Katharine L. 308
Buszkiewic 153, 603
Buszkiewic Annie 634
Buszkiewic Ignace 634
Butcher Arley 300
Butcher Duane 300
Butcher Irene 300
Butcher Marcy Kay 300
Butcher Marilyn 136, 692
Butcher Marilyn Kay (Roth) 300, 779
Butcher Ron 119
Butcher Ronald Darro 300
Butcher Ronnie 136, 692, 779
Butcher Scott Van 300
Butcher Winifred 248
Butkay Albert 300
Butkay Barbara 300, 301, 570
Butkay Charlene 300, 301
Butkay Charles 300
Butkay Elizabeth 300
Butkay Elizabeth (Ringitich) 300
Butkay George 300
Butkay Jake 300, 301
Butkay John 300
Butkay Katherine 300
Butkay Leo 300
Butkay Linda (Weibert) 300, 301
Butkay Loretta 300, 301
Butkay Marilyn 300, 301
Butkay Paul 300
Butler Anna 146
Butler C. O. 65, 66
Butler Connie 200
Butler Cooley 200
Butler Cory Alan 458
Butler Cynthia Kay (Howe) 458
Butler Diane 458
Butler Diane Louise 457, 458
Butler Donald 77, 136
Butler Elizabeth (Eagle) 457
Butler Fleming 457
Butler G. W. 317
Butler Henry E. 457
Butler Jamima (Cain) 457
Butler Jean Ruth 458
Butler Julia Otelia (Skjordal) 457
Butler Kitty 77
Butler Leander Monroe 457
Butler Lee A. 458
Butler Mary E. (Jenks) 457
Butler 		Rollie 		Cleveland 		457
Butler 		Ruth Kathryn 	(Haines) 		457
Butler 		William 	Henry 			457
Butterfield 					119, 186, 749
Butterfield 	A. J. 					130
Butterfield 	Alma 					152
Butterfield 	Art 					521
Butterfield 	Euncie 					179
Butterfield 	Sara 		Frances 		347
Butz 		Jean 					652
Buyok 		Albert 					302
Buyok 		Andrew 					302
Buyok 		Anna 					301, 302
Buyok 		David 					302
Buyok 		Elizabeth 	(Schmidt) 		302
Buyok 		George 					301, 302
Buyok 		Helen 		(Pratt) 		301, 302
Buyok 		Jane 					302
Buyok 		John 					302
Buyok 		Nancy 					302
Buyok 		Paul 					301, 302
Buyok 		William 				302
Bylund 		Alfred 					102, 302

Bylund Ann 302
Bylund August 302
Bylund Carl 302
Bylund Donna 302
Bylund Elton V. 302
Bylund Emma (Lee) 302
Bylund Evelyn 302
Bylund Evelyn (Ely) 302
Bylund Fredrick 302
Bylund Gothard 261
Bylund Gothard O. 302
Bylund Jana 302
Bylund Jeanne 302
Bylund Jenny 302
Bylund Mary 302
Bylund Nels 302 Bylund O. A. 102
Bylund Oscar 302 Bylund Victor 102, 302
Byron Charlene 261
Byron Elsa (Spear) 89, 247, 262, 568
Byrtus Anna (Rucki) 303, 304
Byrtus Anna Teresa 304
Byrtus Anne 303, 304
Byrtus Donald Charles 303, 304
Byrtus Emeline 303, 304
Byrtus Estella 328
Byrtus Ethel Jeanette (Beazley) 302, 304
Byrtus Helen Karol 303, 304
Byrtus Helen (Taggart) 304
Byrtus Jeanette Marie 302, 303, 304
Byrtus Jesse Joseph 304
Byrtus Joe R. 303, 304
Byrtus John 122
Byrtus John Alan 303, 304
Byrtus John Leroy 302, 303, 304
Byrtus Laura (Henderson) 303
Byrtus Patricia Ann 303, 304
Byrtus Paul 193
Byrtus Paul Hunter 303, 304
Byrtus Paul William 303, 304
Byrtus Robert Lee 303, 304
Byrtus Robert Taggart 304
Byrtus Ronald Lee 303
Byrtus Stella Lorraine 303, 304
Bystrom Marcia (McWilliams) 647
Byxby Daisy 125
Byxby Ivan 125

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