
Icon Link Button
To provide a link to the WYGenWeb, you are invited to use one of the logos here. Simply "right-click" the image of your choice on this page (or click and hold if you're using a Macintosh) and save it to your local computer. The link should point to [].


Standard Text Link
You may also include a plain text link to the WYGenWeb site.  Just cut and paste the following text. You might say something like this:

    "Visit the WYGenWeb for your historical, genealogical and geographical Wyoming research."

    Here's the HTML code: 

    <p>&quot;Visit the <a href="">WYGenWeb</a> for your historical, genealogical and geographical Wyoming research.&quot;</p>




  The WYGenWeb Project
Colleen Pustola, State Coordinator
Rebecca Maloney, Asst State Coordinator

Copyright © by The WYGenWeb Project. All Rights Reserved.