July 21, 2014

    July 21, 2014
The Hot Springs County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Monday, July 21, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Room at the Government Annex

Present were Commissioners Mike Baker, Brad Basse and John P. Lumley. Also present were County Clerk Nina Webber and Administrative Assistant to the Commissioners Penny Herdt.

Chairman Baker led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Brad Basse moved to approve the agenda as presented. John Lumley seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Public Hearing — Approve FY 2014-2015 Budget

Chairman Mike Baker opened the public hearing for the finalization of the FY 2014-2014 Hot Springs County Budget at 12:05 p.m. The Commissioners reviewed the Summary of Budget 2014-2015, together with the proposed changes thereto. The final assessed valuation for the 2014-2015 budget year is $227,516,949.00. The County will levy 12 mills this year, which will be equal to $2,730,203.39. Total anticipated revenue for the year is $17,881,425.00, and the cash carried forward totaled $4,539,988.00.

Chairman Baker called for public comment on the proposed budget. Treasurer Isabelle Willson discussed a discrepancy in the pay level of two of her employees versus the rest of the office deputies in the courthouse. This discrepancy did not come to light until after Ms. Willson had submitted her budget request for this year, so she would like to amend her request to include the additional money required to bring these two employees in line with the rest of the office deputies. The Commissioners agreed to consider adding $1,611.00 to the Treasurer’s budget to accommodate this request.

Public Health Director Marie McDougall asked for confirmation on the raise for her clerk position. The Commissioners noted that this had been overlooked in the initial budget worksheet and agreed to add it to her salary budget line item.

Fairboard Secretary Carol Smith asked for an explanation of the large cut made to her budget request. The Commissioners indicated that funding for an additional employee, insurance and retirement for that employee, garage doors and improvements to the Crow’s Nest were cut from the original budget request. Due to an increase in anticipated mill levy revenue, the net result appears to be a cut of roughly $25,000.00. After further discussion, the Commissioners agreed to increase the Fair Board’s total budget by $25,000.00.

County Attorney Jerry Williams asked that the funds allocated for the Children’s Advocacy Project be removed from his budget and placed in a separate line item as he did not wish to be in charge of the bookkeeping for this grant. The Commissioners explained that this was not actually a grant, but a funding request which would result in a one-time payment. This payment would need to be authorized by CA Williams as his office is the one who uses the CAP’s services, but the line item will be moved to the Commissioners’ budget. The conference table and chairs requested by the County Attorney in the Courthouse Equipment line item were requested by the State to enable a more personalized, less intimidating atmosphere for discussions with crime victims in the Victim’s Advocate’s office.

Assessor Shelley Deromedi requested reconsideration of her salary line, as she has two positions that in 2007, while not re-classified as Chief Deputy positions, were approved for salaries at the Chief Deputy level due to the additional requirements and responsibilities of those two positions in connection with the new CAMA system and the GIS and IT demands handled by the Assessor’s Office. Ms. Deromedi felt it was unfair to give those positions less of a raise than the other Chief Deputies in the Courthouse received. The Commissioners declined to increase the salary line.

District Court Clerk Terri Cornella asked for reconsideration of the cuts made to her budget, as there are many items in that budget that she has no control over or ability to anticipate. After discussion, the Commissioners agreed to adjust the DC Clerk’s budget to roughly what was spent last year plus the salary increases for this year.

Hospital Board President Bill Williams noted the significant cut in the Hospital’s requested amount, thanked the Commissioners for what they had allocated to the Hospital and asked that the Commissioners consider increasing the allocation if there were any funds available at the end of the budget process. Later in the meeting, the Commissioners were able to allocate an additional $25,000.00 to the Hospital budget item.

Joe Casciato asked for an explanation of the Consensus Grant process. The Commissioners gave Mr. Casciato a short course on the purpose of Revenue and Grant offsets in the budget process as a means of place-holding for future income and expenditures.

Tracy Kinnaman asked for and received clarification on the Library’s cash reserve line item. The Commissioners reminded Ms. Kinnaman that the HSA incentive amounts will need to come out of her budget. The funding for new computers for the library has been placed into Courthouse Equipment. Ms. Kinnaman was asked to obtain pricing information from Traveling Computers prior to purchasing the computers for the library.

After further discussion, adjustments were also made to the budget lines for Road & Bridge (salary increases), Planner (salary increase), Predator Management (sage grouse project), Assessor (cut ½ meter buy-up), Hospital, Emergency Expenditures and Cash Reserves. The Commissioners agreed to recommend that the 2008 Ford being replaced in the Sheriff’s office will be given to Search & Rescue with its current equipment instead of being traded in.

After three calls for further public comment, receiving none, Chairman Baker declared the public hearing closed at 1:40 p.m. Brad Basse made a motion to approve the final budget for FY2014-2015 with the adjustments discussed and agreed to during the hearing. John Lumley seconded the motion. Motion carried. The final budget summary as approved is available for public viewing in the County Clerk’s office.

There being no further business to come before the board, Chairman Mike Baker declared the meeting adjourned at 1:43 p.m.
Mike Baker, Chairman
Nina Webber, Clerk to the Board

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