April 16, 2013

    April 16, 2013
The Hot Springs Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room at the Government Annex.

Present were Commissioners Brad Basse, John Lumley and Mike Baker. Also present were County Attorney Jerry Williams, County Clerk Hans Odde and Administrative Assistant to the Commissioners Penny Herdt.

Chairman Basse led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Agenda
John Lumley moved to approve the agenda with the following change:
ADD:6:00 p.m.JT Aviation7. Airport Maintenance Items
Mike Baker seconded the motion. Motion carried.

WYECIP Project Update
TRANE representative and project manager Zed Brooks joined the meeting via phone, as he was unable to get to Thermopolis due to closed road conditions. Mr. Brooks reviewed the project schedule. The project review schedule has been submitted to the state for review. The Building Envelope punch list should be completed by the end of this month. Mr. Brooks asked the Commissioners to sign and return Change Order #1 for the Lighting Change in Scope regarding the District Courtroom area and the Road & Bridge shop as discussed at a previous meeting. As the change order was not received for review in a timely fashion, the Commissioners elected to place it on the agenda for consideration at a future meeting. The proposed change in exterior lighting for the Library from ambient lighting to a more security-oriented form of lighting will be discussed with the lighting contractor when Mr. Brooks and the contractor are actually on-site.
After a review of the project progress by Mr. Brooks, the Commissioners spoke with him regarding several areas of concern about the project. A major area of concern was the fact that the heat pump replacement is underway – several weeks ahead of schedule – leaving the courthouse without heat on the first and second floors during very cold weather. As the schedule was originally planned to minimize the likelihood of such an event, and TRANE apparently has no plan in place to maintain a comfortable ambient temperature during the heating system outage, the Commissioners requested that Mr. Brooks develop a plan immediately to mitigate the situation. The Commissioners informed Mr. Brooks that TRANE’s performance to date has been quite unacceptable and requested a conference call with TRANE management and WYECIP representative John Canfield be scheduled as soon as possible to discuss the situation. Mr. Brooks will contact the Commissioners as soon as the call can be scheduled.

County Centennial Celebration Funding
Centennial Committee representatives Tracy Linko and Phil Scheel appeared before the Commissioners to request funding support for the HSC Centennial Celebration to be held June 22, 2013. The committee is requesting $1,850.00 to assist with advertising, the community BBQ dinner, logo design, and other expenses for the celebration. The committee outlined the other sources of support received from individuals and businesses within the community. After discussion, the County Attorney offered the opinion that funds could be given by the county as this is a county-wide event, involving all the citizens in the county, not just a specific set of


individuals. John Lumley moved to provide funding to the HSC Centennial Committee in the amount of $1,850.00 from Emergency Expenditures for the County Centennial Celebration. Mike Baker seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Baker asked that the funding be used for expenses other than “trinkets”, but otherwise not specifically directed. Motion carried.

Disposition of School Bond Funds
Clerk Odde presented a resolution for the Commissioners’ consideration transferring the remaining funds from the 2004 School Bond issue to the County’s General Fund as authorized by state statute. Mike Baker moved approval of Resolution #2013-04 transferring the remaining 2004 School Bond funds in the amount of $289,405.00 plus accrued interest to the County General Fund. John Lumley seconded the motion. Motion carried. The resolution reads as follows:
WHEREAS, a School Bond Election was held and passed in May of 2004 to fund enhancements to the proposed new Hot Springs County High School, and
WHEREAS, the bonds were paid off in June of 2011, and
WHEREAS, the tax collections on the bond issue exceeded the bond payoff amount and the Hot Springs County Treasurer now holds $289,405 in an interest bearing special revenue account, and
WHEREAS, Wyoming Statute ยง16-4-116 gives the Hot Springs County Board of Commissioners the authority to transfer these monies to the County General Fund to utilize in a manner consistent with County budgeting standards.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hot Springs County Board of Commissioners hereby direct the Hot Springs County Treasurer to transfer from the 2004 School Bond account $289,405 plus accrued interest into the County General Fund.
Signed on this 16th day of April A.D. 2013
Brad W. Basse, ChairmanHans Odde, County Clerk
Mike Baker, Vice-Chairman 
John P. Lumley, Commissioner 

Consider Disposition of County Land on Lane 3
At the conclusion of the Lane 3 project, the County had a parcel of land left over that was originally purchased to provide access and right of way for the project. The parcel is no longer needed and may be disposed of. The County Attorney indicated that, in this instance, an appraisal to determine market value is not required – although at least a market analysis should be done if the Commissioners wish to set a minimum price for the parcel, along with public notice and advertising of the parcel for sale. There are two buildings located on the property that do not belong to the county. Discussion ensued with the owner of the buildings regarding a time frame for removing the buildings after the sale of the property. The building owner requested thirty days to remove them after the sale. The Commissioners felt that two weeks would be adequate time for removal of the buildings. Mike Baker moved to dispose of the county-owned land at the corner of Lane 3 and Highway 20 South at public auction with an established minimum bid, and to allow up to two weekends after the auction for the removal of any non-county-owned property from the site. John Lumley seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mike Baker moved approval of spending an amount not to exceed $400.00 from leftover grant match funds to obtain two market analyses from local realtors for the purpose of establishing a minimum bid for the property. John Lumley seconded the motion. Motion carried. Citizen John Zupan asked if the sale of the property would trigger any subdivision requirements. County Attorney Williams replied that it would not. Mike Baker moved to set the auction date for May 21, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. at the meeting room at the Government Annex. John Lumley seconded the motion. Discussion: Clerk Odde will provide County Attorney Williams with a legal description of the property for purposes of drafting a deed to be provided at the sale. Motion carried. Mike


Baker moved to advertise the sale in the local paper for four weeks (April 25, May 2, 9, 16, 2013). John Lumley seconded the motion. Motion carried.

John Zupan – Lane 3 Issues
Business owner John Zupan appeared before the Commissioners to discuss parking issues that have arisen for his business upon completion of the Lane 3 project. Mr. Zupan feels that he was promised more parking as a result of the project, but has actually lost parking space due to the no-parking signage installed on the north side of Lane 3 from the highway intersection down past Shopko’s freight dock. Also, the County has informed Mr. Zupan of its intention to eliminate parking on the south side of Lane 3 from the highway intersection west along the edge of the lot currently owned by the county to ensure adequate clearance for large trucks turning on to Lane 3 from the highway. Mr. Zupan informed the Commissioners that he has discussed the clearance issue with the trucking company located on Lane 3 and they indicated that the current parking situation on the south side of Lane 3 is not causing a problem as far as their trucks are concerned. Mr. Zupan also presented pictures of the current traffic patterns and flows to illustrate his point. The Commissioners indicated they would delay further action on the no parking zone until after the corner lot on the south side of the intersection has been disposed of.

Utility License Agreements for South Thermopolis Water & Sewer District Water Project
Engineering Associates’ representative Anthony Barnett presented eight Utility License Agreement applications from South Thermopolis Water & Sewer District for the Commissioners’ consideration. These ULA’s are necessary as part of the STWSD’s expansion project. Road & Bridge Supervisor Ray Shaffer has reviewed the agreements and finds them to be acceptable. All required fees have been received. ULA #1 involves work on County Road 31 where it enters the Mountain View Subdivision. ULA #2 asks for a variance for road crossing and right of way work on County Road 32 due to a discrepancy in the recorded location of the road and the actual location of the road. ULA #3 requests a variance on the right of way line on County Road 32 to avoid installation of extra joints due to a jog in the recorded right of way line. ULA #4 involves work on County Road 34 and concerns the need to deal with an encroachment situation by a land owner. ULA #4 also requests various road crossings from one side of Lane 32 to the other. ULA #5 requires two road crossings on County Road 34 to avoid a corner that has been filled with erosion-controlling rip-rap by the County on the inside corner of the road prior to Coyote Run. ULA #6 request a variance for construction of a relocated tie-in outside of the right of way on County Road 35 required by the closing of a section of pipe that is located down the middle of Frontier Drive. ULA #7 involves requests for permanent easements for County Road 34 (formerly 35E) to ensure adequate coverage of the water line whose placement is determined by two deep draws along the road. ULA #8 involves a road crossing on County Road 37 just east of Halone Quarry Road. Mr. Barnett indicated that he plans to have Mr. Shaffer review each step of the construction involving the County Roads as construction progresses. The Utility License Agreements state that Mr. Shaffer has the authorization to make field decisions as necessary with the caveat that he reports those decisions to the Commissioners. Mike Baker moved to approve all eight of the Utility License Agreements between Hot Springs County and South Thermopolis Water & Sewer District as presented. John Lumley seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Airport Maintenance Issues
JTA Aviation representatives Tim Lippincott and Jerry Fields appeared before the Commissioners to discuss various maintenance issues at the airport. The aviation beacon is down again after recent repairs, and the estimated cost to repair it is around $700.00. JTA recommends repair rather than replacement as they anticipate the repairs will last until the move to the new airport and the beacon is more of a navigation aid than a safety issue. The hose on the fueling system is deteriorating and needs to be replaced as soon as possible at an


approximate cost of $400.00. Average hose life is ten years and this one has been in place for fourteen years so it is becoming a safety and liability issue. The fuel system filter is due to be replaced at the end of April. JTA recommends purchasing two filters at an approximate cost of $75.00 each as they must be changed annually and the price seems to rise substantially each year. JTA would like to purchase a small hand-held aviation radio to keep track of incoming traffic while performing maintenance work around the airport. Estimated cost for the radio and charger is $400.00. Two of the airport vehicles are in need of attention. The small pickup needs a new clutch and the older truck will not start. Finally, a new tug is needed for moving airplanes around the airport as the previous FBO was apparently using his own tug and took it with him when he left. Mr. Lippincott has a small tug of his own to use in a pinch, but tugs are generally considered necessary airport equipment. Mr. Lippincott stated that he believed the airport’s tug was sold at a previous obsolete equipment auction and never replaced. The cost to replace the tug is estimated at $4,500.00. After discussion, the Commissioners agreed to repair the beacon, replace the fuel system hose, purchase two fuel filters and ask Road & Bridge to take a look at the vehicles and see if they can be repaired. Clerk Odde will check with Bill Gordon regarding Homeland Security funds for the radio. JTA was asked to put the tug in the upcoming budget year request for consideration at that time.

Other Business
Commissioners Scholarship – The Commissioners reviewed the fourteen applications received for the 2013 County Commissioners Freshman Scholarships. Three recipients were chosen, as well as three alternates. Names of the scholarship winners will be announced at the Hot Springs County School District’s Senior Awards Night Ceremony to be held on Tuesday, May 14, 2012. Commissioner Brad Basse will present the scholarships at Awards Night.

1. Bureau of Reclamation – Runoff Forecast
2. PLTI Graduation Announcement
3. Fair Board Minutes – March, 2013
4. Wyoming Road Work Guide
5. Airport Operations Report – March, 2013
The Commissioners reviewed the foregoing correspondence. No further action was required or taken at this time.

There being no further business to come before the Board of County Commissioners at this time, John Lumley moved to adjourn. Chairman Basse declared the meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Brad Basse, Chairman
Hans Odde, Clerk to the Board

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