June 19, 2012

    June 19, 2012
The Hot Springs Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Room at the Government Annex.

Present were Commissioners John Lumley and Mike Baker. Also present were County Attorney Jerry Williams, Chief Deputy County Clerk Karen Slocum and Administrative Assistant to the Commissioners Penny Herdt. Commissioner Brad Basse was absent as he is out of the county on vacation. Vice- Chairman Baker assumed the Chair and suspended Roberts Rules of Order so that business might be conducted in Commissioner Basse's absence.

Vice-Chairman Baker led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Agenda
John Lumley moved to approve the agenda with the following change:
ADD:Other Business3. Election Judge Salaries
Mike Baker seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Public Hearing - Wind River Canyon Grill Liquor License Application
This item was postponed to a later date as the paperwork is not yet complete.

Appoint Land Use Planning Board Member
Deputy Clerk Slocum reported that no applications had been received for the open position on the Land Use Planning Board. The Commissioners asked that the position be re-advertised, with an appointment date of July 17, 2012.

TANF/CPI Grant Application
Public Health Nurse Marie McDougall presented the TANF/CPI Grant application for the Commissioners' approval. This is a community-based grant to provide services to at-risk families through various agencies in the community. The grant is in the amount of $41,500.00 and runs from 10/1/12 – 9/30/13. John Lumley moved to approve the TANF/CPI grant application in the amount of $41,500.00 for the time period 10/1/1 – 09/30/13. Mike Baker seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Red Lane Fire Protection Issues
Red Lane resident Carol Pickett appeared before the Commissioners to request a ban on open burning and fireworks in the Red Lane area due to concerns relating to the current dry and windy conditions. She discussed the water study performed in 2010 and asked that the ban be instituted and remain in place until a new fire protection system is developed for the Red Lane area. The Commissioners explained that requests of this nature need to go through Fire Warden Jay Duvall. Ms. Pickett was given contact information for Mr. Duvall's deputy, Clint Huckfeldt.

Public Hearing – McClintock Variance and Subdivision Requests
Vice-Chairman Baker declared the public hearing on the McClintock Variance & Subdivision Requests open at 4:30 p.m. Planner Bo Bowman reviewed the requests. Rocky and Charlie McClintock are requesting a variance to allow a 30 foot road easement for a subdivision, where a 60 foot right-of-way is required, and approval of a preliminary plat for a subdivision of their 35.0 acre parcel into two lots of 18.4 acres and 16.6 acres. The Land Use Planning Board has reviewed the requests, and based on their completion of the Absolute and Relative policies checklists, has forwarded them to the Commissioners with "Do-Pass" recommendations. Applicant Rocky McClintock was present to answer any questions the Commissioners might have of him. Input on the future implications of these requests was received from the County Attorney and the Planner. After extensive discussion, Vice-Chairman Baker called three times for further public comment. Receiving none, he declared the public hearing closed at 4:45 p.m. The Commissioners then completed their own copies of the Absolute and Relative Policies checklists, resulting in scores of zero or better. John Lumley moved to approve the variance to allow a 30 foot road


easement for the subdivision. Mike Baker seconded the motion. Motion carried. John Lumley then moved to approve the preliminary plat for a subdivision of the 35.0 acre parcel into two lots of 18.4 acres and 16.6 acres, subject to the following conditions:
  1. This preliminary plat shall expire one year after the date of its approval. The final plat for the McClintock Subdivision shall be submitted for the County's review and approval prior to that expiration.
  2. A notation shall be placed on the Final Plat stating that any new residential construction shall have its lowest floor level elevated 2.0 ft. above the present ground level.
  3. The possible building sites on Tract 1 shall be identified on the Final Plat, and shall be located on the upper portion of the tract.
  4. A Weed Management Plan shall be submitted for the review and approval of staff.
  5. A notation shall be placed on the Final Plat stating that a "mounded" septic system, in accordance with DEQ requirements, shall be required for any new or replacement septic systems within this subdivision.
Mike Baker seconded the motion. Discussion: the County Attorney recommended that a sixth condition be added requiring notation of the 30 foot access on the final plat. The maker of the motion amended his motion to include a sixth condition as follows:
6.   A notation shall be placed on the final plat stating that the legal access to the two subdivision lots is limited to a
30 foot access and utility easement.
The second concurred with the amendment. The amended motion carried unanimously. The Commissioners and the County Attorney made a point to acknowledge the thoroughness of the Land Use Planning Board's work on this application, which made the Commissioners' review and approval process much easier and more efficient.

Copier Requests
The Commissioners heard requests from the County Clerk's office, the Assessor's office and the Clerk of District Court's office for approval to purchase new copiers for those offices. The copiers would not actually be purchased until the 2012-2013 fiscal year, but would be ordered prior to July 1, 2012 to take advantage of special pricing currently being offered by the copier vendors. The money for the purchase of the copiers has already been planned for in the Courthouse Equipment line item of the proposed 2012- 2013 budget. After presentations from representatives of the three offices requesting the copiers, John Lumley moved to authorize the purchase of the copiers by the Clerk's office in the amount of $4,755.00, the Assessor's office in the amount of $6,755.00 and the Clerk of District Court's office in the amount of $4939.00. Funds to come out of the 2012-2013 Budget Courthouse Equipment line item, with delivery of the copiers to be after July 1, 2012. Mike Baker seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Other Business
STWSD CDBG Grant Draft Request #4 – This item was tabled to the June 29th meeting as supporting paperwork has not been received at this time.
Appoint Canvass Board Members – Deputy Clerk Slocum presented two names for the Canvass Board for the Commissioners' approval – Marlene Christofferson and Ann Deromedi. Mrs. Christofferson has agreed to serve and Clerk Odde is waiting on a response from Mrs. Deromedi as she is out of town at the moment. John Lumley moved to appoint Marlene Christofferson and Ann Deromedi to the Election Canvass Board, with Mrs. Deromedi's appointment contingent on her acceptance of the appointment. Mike Baker seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Consider Election Judges Salary Increase – Deputy Clerk Slocum asked the Commissioners to consider raising the pay for Election Judges from $9.00 per hour to $9.50 per hour. John Lumley moved to approve raising the salary for Election Judges to $9.50 per hour, the raise to be funded from the Elections line item in the budget. Mike Baker seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Simpson Kepler & Edwards – Fox vs. Hot Springs County Summary Judgment Notification
HSC Assessor – Bishop/Cox Land Split
LGLP – Hot Springs County School District #1 Insurance Claim Response
Fair Board Minutes – May, 2012
Library Board Minutes – May, 2012
Lodging Tax Board Minutes – May, 2012


Bureau of Reclamation – Snowmelt Runoff Forecast
The Commissioners reviewed the foregoing correspondence. No further action was required.

There being no further business to come before the Board of County Commissioners at this time, John Lumley moved to adjourn. Vice-Chairman Baker declared the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Brad Basse, Chairman
Hans Odde, Clerk to the Board

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