Miscellaneous News Clippings 1894 - 1898

The Morning Call. November 10, 1894
San Francisco, Calif. 1878-1895

       One Robber Shot Down.
  Lander, Wyo., Nov. 9.-Three masked
men entered E. C. Enderly's Store at
Thermopolis, covered the proprietor with
guns and compelled him to give them
$1350. He and others pursued the robbers
and mortally wounded one, Jake Snyder.
The others escaped.

The Salt Lake Herald. May 10, 1895
Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909

Thermopolis, Wyo., May 7.-- Captain
Richard H. Wilson, the newly appointed
Indian agent at the Shoshone agency,
has formally notified all cattlemen not
having leases that their cattle will not
be allowed to range upon the reservation.
If found violating the order they will
be regarded as tresspassers.

Omaha Daily Bee. December 21, 1896
Omaha, Neb. 187?-1922

B. F. Hanson Gives Thomas Bird a Very
         Warm Reception.
    Prominent Citizens of Central
     Wyoming Imbroiled in Threats
        Made Result in the Mur-
               der of One.
  CASPER, Wyo., Dec. 20.-- ( Special Tele
graim. ) Edward Cameron just arrived in Cas-
per from Thermopolis, Wyo., and brings the
news of Thomas Birds death.
  Bird formerly lived at Glen Rock, Wyo.
and for years has made his home In Central
Wyoming. Thuraday night B. F. Hanson
gave a dance at his home at Thermopolis.
Bird went over to the dance and just as he
stepped into the door , Hanson shot him
twice, one ball penetrating hiss forehead and
the other in the region of the heart. Bird
died immediately. Hanson is a deputy sheriff
and runs a saloon at Thermopolis, owns the
townsite and is a very well-to-do man. Bird
is a member of the firm of Higgins, Bird &
McGrath, and was a man of considerable
means. At one time he was deputy sheriff
of Converse county.
  The killing took place in Fremont county.
Hanson is under arrest. The killing was
over idle talk, and is the outcome of threats.

The Saint Paul Globe. December 22, 1896
St. Paul, Minn. 1896-1905

Out in wyoming etiquette is most
rigidly observed. A Thermopolis cattle
king attended a danceto which he had
no invitation Sunday night, and as a
result extra pall bearers will be need-
ed at his funeral on account of the
weight of lead in the corpse

The Salt Lake Herald. December 24, 1896
Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909

      Fight at Thermopolis
  Lander, Wyo., Dec. 22.--A desperate
encounter took place at Thermopolis,
120 miles north of Lander, on the night
of the 17th which resulted in the
death of one man and the wounding of
several innocent parties who witnessed
the tragedy.
  Thomas Bird,, a prominent merchant
of Thermopolis and a member of the
firm of Higgins, Bird, McGrath, and
Ben Hanson, the locator of the land
on which Thermopolis was built, were
the participants. An old grudge had
existed between them for some time
  A dance was given at the Hanson resi-
dence to which Bird went with the
-evident intention of making trouble
and some say with the determination
of killing Hanson. On getting sight of
the latter Bird drew his revolver and
was about to fire when Hanson quick-
ly drew his gun and fired at Bird hit-
ting him three times killing him in-
stantly. Bird leaves a wife and two
children. Both men have enjoyed the
confidence and respect of the entire
community. Hanson himself gave up
and is now on his way to the Lander

The Salt Lake Herald. August 10, 1897
Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909

Casper Tribune.-- The town of Ther-
mopolls will more than likely be moved
to the Big Horn hot springs before an-
other season goes by. The people are
trying to get land from the state suf-
ficient for a townsite, and if this can
be done, and it is very probable that
it can, the stores and residence build-
ings will be moved up as soon as pos-
sible, the distance being only five miles.
At the springs the people live in tents,
and as there are between 400 and 500
people there now, it is thought that
the town of Thermopolis will have a
better chance to make a good town at
the springs than at its present loca

The Salt Lake Herald. August 12, 1897
Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909

Since one mile square has been
ceded to the state at the Big Horn hot
springs the town of Thermopolis will
be moved to the springs. The town is
now five miles distant and the people
are trying to get sufficient land from
the state for a townsite. Their request
will doubtless be granted as soon as
the state can get the lands surveyed.
About 500 people are now living In
tents at the hot springs.

The Salt Lake Herald. August 29, 1897
Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909

     Wyoming Horse Thief Shot
  Thermopolis, Wyo., Aug. 27.-- A young
man named Ray McLane, recently re-
leased from the Deer Lodge, Mont., jail,
was shot and badly wounded five miles
south of this place yesterday afternoon
by Deputy Sheriff Lew McCann. Mc-
Lane had stolen a horse, saddle, and
bridle from a nearby ranch and Mc-
Cann pursued and captured him. While
returning to Thermopolis Lane decided
to make his escape and started his
horse off on a mad gallop in an effort
to do so. MeCann ordered the horse
thief to stop but his command was not
heeded. After firing a shot over the
fellows head and he still showed no in-
tention of halting the officer took de-
liberate aim and fired. The ball took
effect in Lanes right side, and he tum
bled from his horse. He was then
brought to town and his wound

The Salt Lake Herald. October 23, 1897
Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909

  A Wyoming dispatch says: It was
learned at the state capitol today that
the mile square of land ceded to the
state by the federal government can
not he surveyed or put on the market
till the next legislature makes an ap-
propriation to put this valuable prop-
erty shape to offer to the public.
As a result the town of Thermopolis
has moved to a new location on a gov-
ernment section one mile southwest of
the famous Big Horn Hot Springs on
a beautiful townsite in the Big Horn
valley. The old town of Thermopolis
was five miles from the hot springs but
since moving to the new location a ver-
itable building boom is going on and
many substantial stone business blocks
and residences are being erected. This
townsite, on government lands, is han-
dled by the Lander, Wyo., United
States land office and the state of Wy-
oming has nothing to do with the sale
of town lots.

The Salt Lake Herald. October 24, 1897
Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909

  The work of removing the town of
Thermopolis from the old site to the
new has begun and a building boom
is in progress which will soon make
one of the substantial towns of the BIg
Horn basin. The town is located one
mile southwest of the famous Big Horn
hot springs on one ot the prettiest
town sites in the Valley of the Big

The Salt Lake Herald. October 25, 1897
Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909

  Wyoming Business Man Who Is Ac-
        cused of Murder
Special Correspondence.
  Lander, Wyo., Oct. 23.--It is reported
from Thermopolis that Ben Hansen
who broke jail here the latter part of
July went direct to a friends house
near Thermopolis and was sent from
there to the Hole-in-the-Wall where
he remained for several days. Leaving
there he went north wih the avowed
I purpose of going to Klondike by the
Canadian route.
  Hansen was a successful man in
Thermopolis and was the proprietor of
the townsite but into getting personal
difficulty with Tom Bird, a prominent
business man of the town, he killed
him at a public dance. For this he was
arrested and locked up in the Lander
jail from which he escaped by cutting
his way through the ceiling. He took
the horse and saddle of Deputy Sher-
iff Lague and was many miles away
before his escape was known. Hansen
did not pay his attorney before leav-
ing and that gentleman has attached
his property at Thermopolis.

The Salt Lake Herald. May 18, 1898
Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909

 L. Payton, of Thermopolis, Wyo., a
           Raving Maniac.
   (Special to The Herald)
  Lander, May 17.--L. Payton, editor and
proprietor of the Big Horn Pilot, pub-
lished at the new town of Thermopolis,
near the Big Horn hot springs, and trav-
eling solicitor for the Denver Republican,
was brought in today by Frank Snavely
and placed in the county jail. He is a
raving maniac. He has been at Ther-
mopolis for about two weeks and during
that time undertook to write up the town
and springs and publish the same in his
paper. The work was to much for him,
and his mind gave way under the strain.
Payton was adjudged insane some two
and a half years ago and sent to the
state asylum, and was there but a short
time until released, and since that has
been traveling for the Denver Repub-
lican. It is not thought he will ever re-
cover from this attack.

The Salt Lake Herald. June 11, 1898
Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909

  The Wyoming state board of land
commissioners appointed Virgil S.
Grout, of Thermopolis, custodian of the
Thermopolis hot springs which recent-
ly were ceded to the state by the gen-
eral government. Mr Grout has been
instructed to submit plans to the
board by which the springs may be
managed so as to return an income to
the state. It Is proposed to charge a
rental to persons who are using the
springs for profit. Free bathing facili-
ties will however be accorded the pub-
lic together with free campng grcunds.

The Salt Lake Herald. June 29, 1898
Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909

Ferryboat Capsized In the Big Horn
      Near Thermopolis Wyo
      (Special to The Herald)
  Cheyenne, Wyo., June 28.--One of the
most deplorable accidents in the his-
tory of northern Wyoming occurred
yesterday when five persons were
drowned in the Big Horn river near
the Thermopolis Hot Springs while
crossing the stream in a ferry boat.
The river is very high and when in
the middle the ferry boat capsized
Only one of the occupants was saved.
Those drowned were Mr and Mrs
Harry Beggs and child, Mr O P Gray
and Miss Myrtle Cantlin. The bodies
have not been recovered.

The Salt Lake Herald. July 09, 1898
Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909

  Postmaster appointed today: 
  Wyoming--Thermopolis, Fremont
County, Norman B. Campbell, vice E.
C. Ederly, removed.

The Salt Lake Herald. August 04, 1898
Salt Lake City, Utah 1870-1909

        Fire at Thermopolis.
     (Special to the Herald)
  Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 3.--The big
mercantile establishment of Higgins &
McGrath, at thermopolis, Wyo., was
totally destroyed by fire Monday night.
Loss, $20,000.

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